Phase One Research and Draft Question Formation
Online version using GOOGLE DOD
Summary Presentation
Online Google doc
Presentation in Costa Rico Update
Invoice Glenn McKnight on Dec 21 for $600
-After imput we will be discussing the BIG Pulse elements for rollout
7.0 Presentations and Meetings
Dakar meeting held by Beau
Naralo meeting on March 12, 2012
- On the Internet, do you know what Domain Names (the addresses for e-mails and web sites such as .COM, .ORG, .GOV,) are? If yes, then go on to ITEM.If no, then: Thanks for your time! We are glad you’re interested in improving the domain name system.
- Have you ever registered a domain name?
- When you registered the Domain name, did you list your name and home address?
- Did you list something else?
- Did you buy “privacy protection,” to place your identity information under the administration of a third party?
- Did you know there is an international organization called ICANN that administers domain names?
- Do you know ICANN does?
- If you become the victim of a scam or theft or other crime on the Internet, to whom would you turn for help?
- Would you contact ICANN? Yes, or No
- Explain why or why not?
- Do you believe using the Internet is risky or dangerous in any way?
- Have you stopped using the Internet for any reason, such as for banking, bill paying, or buying goods?
- Do you know anyone who has been a victim of identity theft?
- What do you think is the greatest challenge facing the Internet?## Easy to steal the identity of other people## Easy to steal money from banks and other institutions## Easy to lie about who you are, can't trust anyone## Online auctions are too risky, you could lose money## Someone could steal the money I am trying to pay to my bank
- Predators use it to stalk innocent children