Election Timetable for NARALO
- Call for election: The regional Secretariat will make a call for election July 19.
- Nomination period: Nominations shall be accepted until August 19.
- Acceptance deadline: The nominees need to accept their nomination no later than seven days after the nomination period ends, i.e. August 19.
- Election: An election will be held August 23, 2011.
Requirements and Obligations
You can find the requirements and obligation for all of the RALO-selected ALAC representative positions on the regional election wikis:
- LACRALO Election Wiki: [ENGLISH|alaclacralo:2010 Election Calls - LACRALO]; [ESPANOL|LACRALO:2010 Election Calls LACRALO - ES]
- [NARALO Election Wiki|NARALO:2010 Election Calls - NARALO]