Proposed Schedule for NARALO Showcase | Person(s) Responsible | Target | Observations |
Agree on Speakers and Content | WG | 14 February | @1/26: Proposed speakers - Vint Cerf and Markus Kummer ISOC's VP of Public Policy. Vint has been contacted but not confirmed. |
Confirm Speakers |
| 21 February |
Sponsorship Letter | WG | 14 February |
| 3 February | @1/26: Chris Grundemann will talk to his contacts at Google to find out who to contact for sponsorship requests |
| 4 February |
| 11 February |
| 14 February |
Showcase Flyer | Chair/Staff | 9 March |
| Chair | 16 February |
| Chair | 23 February |
| Staff | 9 March |
| WG | 13-14 March |
ALS Templates/Wiki Pages | NARALO/Staff | 9 March |
| Staff/WG | 14 February | @1/26: Darlene will collect the factsheets from the ALS members. |
| NARALO ALSes | 4 March |
| Staff | 9March |
Prepare Speakers' Notes (outlining themes) | Volunteer (with staff) | 04 March |
| 26 February |
| 2 March |
| 4 March |
Catering | Chair/Staff | 28 February |
| 21 February | @1/26: [1]Staff will get in touch with meetings whether it would be possible to have the Showcase at 6:00 pm., [2]Staff will follow up with meetings whether there is budget for cocktails |
| 28 February |
Run-through with Speakers | WG/Speakers/Staff | 14 March |
Showtime! | All | 14 March |
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