Roll Call – Staff (2 mins)
Welcome and Introduction to the Call - Greg Shatan
chairChair) (
53 mins)
ALAC/CPWG ICANN Policy & Public comments update - ALAC members: Bill Jouris, Jonathan Zuck, Eduardo Díaz (15 mins).
NARALO UA Day update - Greg
ShatanShatan (
105 mins)
- NARALO Elections 2024 update - Adrian Schmidt - (NARALO Secretariat) (3 mins)
CIP CCG Small team Update - Alan Greenberg and Bill
jourisJouris (20 mins)
OFB WG Update - Marita Moll (3 mins)(TBC)
Preparation of NARALO Outreach
and& Engagement
planPlan FY25 - Greg
ShatanShatan (5 mins)
ALS local activities
update - 10 minsupdate (5 mins)
REFERENCE documents and links