NARALO Roundtable - Monday 12 June - 10:45-12:15 EDT (90 mins)
NARALO Open Meeting and Town Hall - Tuesday 13 June - 09:00 - 10:15 EDT - 13:00 - 14:15 UTC (75 mins)
The NARALO monthly meeting will be an open and interactive session, held in a “town hall” format. Topics will include operational concerns and policy issues of relevance for end users and end user organizations in the region. The session is public.
Agenda (DRAFT)
- Welcome remarks - Greg Shatan - 5 mins
- NARALO GA follow up on EEEGA theme “Empowerment, Engagement,and Encouragement” - Greg 10 mins
- Mobilizing individual members – Alan Greenberg -10 mins
- O Outreach and E Engagement update and Social Media Update- -Denise - 5 mins
- Policy issues - JonJonathan, Bill Juris and EdEduardo Diaz - 15 mins
- NomCom update – Judith Hellerstein - 5 mins
- Town Hall discussion - 25 mins co- moderated by Greg Shatan and Glenn Mc Knight
4. NA Space - Tuesday 13 - 13:43 - 15:00
5. NARALO Outreach Activities