00:15:14 Glenn McKnight: My zoom account automatically has Alfredo name since its a VSIG account
00:15:17 Ron da Silva: note Alfredo is actually Glenn
00:15:29 Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org: Noted ;)
00:15:36 Naela Sarras - ICANN Org: Hello. Sorry I am late
00:15:48 Judith Hellerstein: Yes. funny about that
00:15:53 Ron da Silva: just started Naela
00:15:53 Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org: Welcome Naela & Eduardo
00:18:37 heidi.ullrich: The schedule is in a bit of flex atm.
00:18:54 heidi.ullrich: Flux…
00:19:46 heidi.ullrich: It would be useful to confirm whether you would like the lunch to immediately follow the Roundtable or Monthly meeting.
00:21:59 Glenn McKnight: Topics for discussion - IDN in North American - Indigenous Americans - Hispanic Americans etc -French - Louis Houle
00:22:41 Glenn McKnight: NA Space update
00:24:21 Glenn McKnight: UA discussion in context to Accessibility and Inclusion ( same theme as for NASIG)
00:24:52 heidi.ullrich: The UA course was very popular within NARALO, so there is interest.
00:25:32 silvia.vivanco: What section Greg? Can you repeat the legal document you just mentioned?
00:25:53 Naela Sarras - ICANN Org: Greg was referring to section 230 @Greg
00:25:55 heidi.ullrich: Do you wish to develop a short-list?
00:26:26 Naela Sarras - ICANN Org: Sorry @Glenn
00:26:27 Judith Hellerstein: Section 230 is from the communications decency Act.
00:26:52 silvia.vivanco: Thanks Judith
00:26:56 heidi.ullrich: Would both sessions be 75 mins? That will also determine when they are scheduled.
00:27:00 Glenn McKnight: A Canadian theme is Bill C-11: An Act to amend the Broadcasting
00:28:39 Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org: Hand up by Judith and Heidi
00:28:39 Glenn McKnight: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/canadians-worry-proposed-legislation-stream-media-1.6675860
00:28:46 Naela Sarras - ICANN Org: I like Greg’s ideas to perhaps look at legislation and impact on the Internet. C-18 or c-11 not clear on the number
00:29:48 Glenn McKnight: Yes Bill 11 is more applicable for our session
00:30:11 Glenn McKnight: I think Joe is familiar with both the US and Canadian bills
00:31:46 Gisella Gruber - ICANN org: Round table - yes to interpretation suggested
00:31:58 Glenn McKnight: I think people are interested outside of NARALO ie. our Blockchain sessions had 270 people attend
00:32:00 Gisella Gruber - ICANN org: Monthly meeting - it is there …
00:33:36 Judith Hellerstein: If people request sign language we can get it
00:35:23 Ron da Silva: mcplayplace ?
00:36:44 Denise Hochbaum: I have several option to suggest
00:37:05 Denise Hochbaum: Restaurants and coffee shops
00:37:10 heidi.ullrich: We would like need to get a private venue
00:37:16 Judith Hellerstein: yes please do =. Best for ones with private rooms
00:37:22 heidi.ullrich: And might be able to have one or two speakers if that is useful.
00:37:26 Denise Hochbaum: We can reserved for some number of the people!
00:38:12 heidi.ullrich: That sounds good.
00:38:30 Gisella Gruber - ICANN org: Any suggestions for places nearby with a private room - *please* make suggestions to staff by email … much appreciated. Otherwise I will have a look ...
00:39:22 Denise Hochbaum: I can send some restaurants directions
00:40:00 Denise Hochbaum: @gisella I am send a email with you!
00:41:03 heidi.ullrich: So private room/garden patio. Walking distance. A few opening remarks followed by tabletop topic(s).
00:41:12 heidi.ullrich: Approx 20 people
00:42:07 Ron da Silva: ok i need to drop for another call.. chat more later..
00:42:17 Denise Hochbaum: Good Idea! The nextgeen is only American students
00:43:01 Denise Hochbaum: Yes, We have a network booth
00:43:46 Naela Sarras - ICANN Org: @Denise correct NextGen is restricted to North America only for this meeting but the fellows would have North American attendees as well
00:45:24 Glenn McKnight: I spoke with Ergys Ramaj , VP about the NexGen presentations and he will sponsor a lunch for them during their presentations
00:45:46 heidi.ullrich: Great news, Glenn!
00:46:29 Denise Hochbaum: @great Gleen!!!
00:47:01 Judith Hellerstein: These are great ideas Glenn
00:47:28 silvia.vivanco: Yes follow up to GA is good
00:47:57 Glenn McKnight: Good point time to circle back on all these items
00:48:03 Glenn McKnight: - election update
00:48:08 heidi.ullrich: Any guest speakers?
00:48:12 heidi.ullrich: Leon?
00:48:17 Glenn McKnight: -Update on Outreach and Engagement plan
00:48:23 Glenn McKnight: - Folowup on GA
00:48:59 Glenn McKnight: - Update by Denise on O and E
00:49:11 Glenn McKnight: - Update on Social media campaign
00:49:33 Glenn McKnight: - Update on membership
00:49:48 Denise Hochbaum: @ yes Glenn
00:49:52 Naela Sarras - ICANN Org: On speakers, we have a number of North American Board members who will be there at the meeting so maybe a board member
00:50:28 Glenn McKnight: - Looking forward on 2024 ( Cancun) 2025 Seattle
00:50:37 heidi.ullrich: Hence the good coffee in Seattle ;)
00:51:09 Glenn McKnight: Guest- NA board members Sarah, Avri, Tripti
00:56:20 Glenn McKnight: I think Judith was speaking about swag for the booth
00:57:34 heidi.ullrich: We will bring the rest of the NARALO GA material - vintage t-shirts, power packs, a few table top banners, etc.
00:58:04 Glenn McKnight: More fun ideas for winning some stuff perhaps
00:58:12 Judith Hellerstein: We need the web camera doors
00:58:21 Judith Hellerstein: we have about 600 or more of these
00:58:24 Glenn McKnight: Guess Gregs' weight?
00:58:33 heidi.ullrich: We had a photo frame for social media. We could do lunchtime games (bingo, etc.) and presentations.
00:58:33 Judith Hellerstein: We also have the table top popup banners
00:58:35 Denise Hochbaum: Games and photos are always well come!
00:58:54 heidi.ullrich: Or an “ask us” about At-Large
00:59:27 Glenn McKnight: Photo fun frame idea ,
00:59:48 heidi.ullrich: Bingo on current ICANN issues?
00:59:49 Glenn McKnight: LACRALO did this with the #NARALO or something
01:00:54 Glenn McKnight: Top hat, bennie with propeller, etc
01:02:41 Greg Shatan: A Washington-oriented theme would be good. Dress like a President -- Washington Wig, Lincoln Top Hat, Teddy Roosevelt glasses, etc.
01:02:53 Glenn McKnight: Are we having a 'best tweet" contest
01:04:07 Glenn McKnight: Do we have the ICANN 77 Zoom backgrounds yet?
01:04:41 heidi.ullrich: Not that I am aware of, Glenn.
01:04:42 Glenn McKnight: I will be Washington on Thursday morning and staying at the Marrriot Courtyard till Sunday
01:04:57 Judith Hellerstein: Which Thursday?
01:05:04 Glenn McKnight: June 8
01:05:29 Glenn McKnight: Going to the museums on June 8th morning
01:06:55 Naela Sarras - ICANN Org: I have to drop off for another meeting. Thanks all
01:07:02 heidi.ullrich: There are several boxes we will ship
01:07:18 heidi.ullrich: Please plan on keeping some for FY24 events
01:09:09 Glenn McKnight: An open Q and A for newcomers is a good idea
01:10:30 Denise Hochbaum: @Heidi Excelent suggestions! Deborah and Siranush is very important for bring newcomers!
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