NARALO will be the host of two virtual social events open to all participants and communities participating at ICANN 72.
You will enjoy an evening with Tim Lorang, a local Seattle Beer expert to learn, taste, and appreciate the flavors and beer history that makes Seattle a hot spot for beer culture. The event will be held virtually from one of Seattle's best brewpubs Obec.
You will have a chance to pick up four types of beer. A pilsner, IPA, Amber, and a Dark (Stout or Porter) and evaluate your choices to Seattle's best.
This will be an educational opportunity for everyone, drinker and nondrinker alike and learn What's on Tap!
We will taste 4 beers that are distinctive in style but common enough that most people around the world should be able to provide their own beer. These beers are also featured at Obec.
The four beers will be:
September 29 coordination call Action Items:
- Glenn McKnightwill send the final flyers for the Trivia Event.
- Glenn McKnight will post in the wiki the FINAL version of flyer for the Trivia event . Title agreed " NARALO- At Large Trivia night". All will review and Eduardo DIaz will approve the FINAL flyer.
- Devan Reed will send the Trivia Registration link to Glenn.
- Eduardo DIazand Glenn McKnightwill send a short Description of the Trivia event to be included in the zoom registration link.
- Heidi Ullrich will add some more questions about the At-Large to the Trivia google doc.
- Glenn McKnight and Eduardo DIaz will review the Trivia questions and add 4 possible answers for each question.
- Naela Sarras will coordinate wide promotion of the Trivia event with ICANN Comms department.
- Claudia Ruiz and Susie Johnsonwill look into gifts for Trivia winners such as Amazon gift certificates and Starbuck’s gift cards. Susie Johnsonto contact Eduardo if needed.
- Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated) will create a features pages for both NARALO ICANN 72 Events in At-Large's website.
- Naela Sarraswill include a blurb about the Beer Night in one of the meeting newsletters and ICANN's social media
- Joe Catapano will assist promoting the Trivia and Beer night via NA-Engagement List too
- Eduardo DIaz will send the participation instructions for the Beer event to staff so it can be placed in the confirmation email.
- Eduardo DIaz will finalize the promotional video to be posted on the wiki and for wider promotion of the Beer event.
- Gisella Gruber will coordinate a rehearsal for the Trivia event (for all in this group to test Kahoot) and the Beer night event.
- Devan Reed will add the Beer event description to the zoom registration link.
- Glenn McKnightto add the registration link to the Beer event poster.
- Gisella Gruberwill organize at least 2 rehearsals for each event the Trivia event and Beer event, during week of October 4 as to have sufficient time to troubleshoot any issues
- Devan Reed will set up the next organizing call for next Thursday 7 Oct at 17 UTC
October 7 Coordination calls :
- Naela Sarras will coordinate wide promotion of the Trivia event with ICANN Comms department.
- Joe Catapano will assist promoting the Trivia and Beer night via NA-Engagement List too
- Glenn McKnight and Eduardo DIaz will review the Trivia questions and add 4 possible answers for each question.
- Heidi Ullrichand all to review the trivia question.
- Naela Sarraswill include a blurb about the Beer Night in one of the meeting newsletters and ICANN's social media
- Claudia Ruiz and Susie Johnsonwill look into gifts for Trivia winners such as Amazon gift certificates and Starbuck’s gift cards and will post photos of the gifts for the 3 top winners on the event wiki. Options will include: t-shirts, Dinner, gift cards (Amazon and Starbuck's, subject to availability in winner's country).
- Gisella Gruberwill organize at least 2 rehearsals for each event the Trivia event and Beer event, during week of October 4 as to have sufficient time to troubleshoot any issues. Judith Hellerstein will be the MC for the Trivia event.
- Eduardo DIazwill coordinate Post event evaluation surveys with Claudia Ruiz.