NARALO Monthly Teleconference
- 1. Glenn McKnightto draft a certificate of acknowledgement for Darlene Thompson for her contributions to NARALO.
- 2. Silvia Vivanco to follow up with Tribal Ambassadors on their reports for the Pilot.
- 3. Glenn McKnight to send the ARIN fellowship information to all Unaffiliated members
- 4. Volunteers for the GA agenda - Leah S. Howard D. Seth R. and Tom L. Joly
- Gisella Gruber to arrange for General Assembly Remote participation 5.
- 6. Glenn McKnight to circulate the survey one more time to select one slogan between the following two:
Slogan " MANY VOICES,ONE INTERNET" (11 votes). 2) The voice of North American end-users in ICANN ( 7 votes)
- 7. Terri Agnew in coordination with Judith Hellerstein to send a doodle out for a call of the General Assembly GA Organizing Committee for the first week of January
3.0 Announcements- Community Activity to Share 5 minutes-Open Announcements
- BCEC candidates list-- At-Large Board Member Selection Workspace - 2017 - Tijani Ben Jemaa, Julie Hammer- - (5 min)
- Alan Greenberg
- Leon Sanchez
- RALO Other Suggestions
- Alan Greenberg
- Other Community announcements
3.1 Tribal Ambassador Pilot Project Report (April/Valerie) (3 min)