This space is to archive all Items that have been discussed and closed during the NARALO monthly meetings. NOTE: Please archive Items in numerical order.
ITEM 002: 2018 NARALO Individual Member Representative (IMR) Elections
LEAD: Alan or Staff
OPEN: 20 Nov 2017, CLOSED: 14 May 2018
--→ 14 May [Recording: 16:48 ] Individual elections announced: Alan is the representative. Javier will be alternate. [Decision]: Close discussion.
ITEM 003: 2018 ALS Voting Rep & Alternates
ITEM 005: 2018 NomCom update report
LEAD: Leah Sykmekher
OPEN: 20 Nov 2017, CLOSED:
12 February2018 [Recording: --] Off-Line Report: Leah Symekher - SFBayISOC/ICANN Nomcom: Thx Glenn direct people to my summary, the website and let all know that we are in the recruiting phase so direct intersted candidates to website.Leah Symekher - SFBayISOC/ICANN Nomcom: [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.
14 March [Recording: --] No report given. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.
09 april [Recording: --] No report given. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.
→ 13 August [Recording: 09:00]: Report given. Please refer to Transcript page 6. [Decision]: Close this item. A new discussion item will be open again once the 2019 NOMCOM is active.
ITEM 006: Creation of Working Groups
LEAD: Eduardo Díaz
OPEN: 20 Nov 2017, CLOSED: 11 Dec 2017
--->11 December 2017: [Recording: 05:01ƒ] Policy & Outreach WG ratified scope and responsibilities (s&r). Education WG ratified s&r with the following change to responsibility "a": Identify issues that have impact on ICANN's mission and NARALO region and prepare multimedia educational materials to highlight the issue and consequences in "layman terms". [Decision]: Open discussion items for each individual group to report work in progress and close this discussion item. Educaton WG: Wiki page created to communicate tasks as done. Invitation was sent to community and five individuals are part of the WG. First meeting will be programmed before the year ends to start organizing 'hot topics' to be developed. Responsibility # 1 has been modified and will be discussed in the first meeting. Approved to close.
ITEM 009: NARALO Hot Topics
LEAD: John Laprice / Policy Group
DESCRIPTION: Seven (7) NARALO hot topics (HTs) were identified during the General Assembly (GA) held in New Orleans in April 2017. These are as follows: Privacy, Trust, Surveillance, Net Neutrality, Digital Literacy, Universal Internet Access and Cybersecurity. You can see a summary of these HERE. The original discussion that occurred during the GA is located HERE. Volunteers have been assigned lead roles to f/u on the HTs. We need to re-confirm them. In addition, each HTs needs to be clearly defined indicating what is the specific issue(s) that affects our region and what outcome we want to see after discussing them.
-→ 08 January 2018: [Recording: --] Snippet Webinar (SW) about Net Neutrality will be held during this meeting. The purpose is to hear what net neutrality really is and what changes are expected to happen with the new FCC ruling. After the SW, there will be an opportunity for all to participate and comment about this theme. One of the main questions that we want to answer is the following: Does the NN ruling affects ICANN directly? . [Decision]: The webinar was held. recommend to close.
ITEM 022: 2018 At-Large Webinars
LEAD: Tijani Ben Jama
OPEN: 8 January 2018, CLOSED: 8 January 2018
--→ 14 March [Recording: 12:20] Update given. Testimonial given by Mathew about his experience with the program. Testimonials given by Michelle from Canada and Lillian from Colombia. [Decision]: Recommend to close.
ITEM 030: ccTLD Update - Dot NYC
LEAD: Tom Lowenhaupt
OPEN: 09 April 2018, CLOSED: 09 April 2018
--→ 09 april [Recording: 33] Presentation given. Please see details starting at page 18 in the transcript. Tom would like to know from anyone in the group how well city TLDs are serving the needs of resident of various cities. [Decision]: Recommend to close.
ITEM 031: North America Stakeholder Engagement Strategy for FYI 18/19
LEAD: Chris Mondini / Joe Catapano
DESCRIPTION: To discuss the final North America Stakeholder Engagement Strategy for FYI 19/20 to be launch on May 14, 2018.
--→ 14 May [Recording: 32:35 ] Presentation was given. [Decision]: Close discussion.
DESCRIPTION: To call for volunteers to provide feedback about the NARALO.ORG website as to navigation and content.
14 May [Recording: 5:04] Expanded on Anna Loop's background. Discussion starts in transcript page #4. The following people volunteer to help in the group: Judith, Joy and Susannah. Some problems were discussed. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.
→ 13 August [Recording: 12:00]: Everybody has given feedback on the changes and updating of the links. Evin has worked hard on fixing the site. So if there are any other comments from any other community members, please let us know. [Decision]: Close item.
ITEM 033: New ALS :: North American Graduate Students (NAGS)
LEAD: David Morar / Anna Loup
DESCRIPTION: To provide an understanding of Universal Acceptance as related to ICANN's mission. Universal Acceptance ensures that all domain names and email addresses can be used by all Internet-enabled applications, devices and systems. It is essential for the continued expansion of the domain name system and provides a gateway to the next billion Internet users. Basic info here. Jonathan's Presentation.
→ 09 July [Recording: 35:40] Webinar give. Please transcript page 20 for more details. [Decision]: Close Item.
→ 8 October [Recording: 05:05] : Provided an extensive summary covering from structure of how it will be coordinated, leadership and a brief timeline. There were question regarding the working groups , selection criteria, working group leaders, etc. [Decision]: Closed.
ITEM 049: Presentation : Brief Read Out of the Highlights of ICANN63
LEAD: Chris Mondini
OPEN: 12 November 2018, CLOSED: 12 November 2018
TYPE: Education
DESCRIPTION: To provide a brief ICANN 63 meeting read out.
→ 12 November [Recording: 32:00]: Check slide deck in the AC recording. Check transcript starting in page #23 to read Chris presentation. Closed.