See: NARALO's final ROP document PDF format
2017-02-09 NARALO Rules of Procedures Working Committee Call
March 23 2017 Judith meeting meeting with John on the scope of the project
March 24 2017 Glenn skype skype call with John on the agenda agenda of community call, sent sent out notice to ALS
March 28 2017 NARALO Community Discussion on NARALO Rules of Procedures
Sept 28 2017 -Final edits on document and conversion to MS Word document and notice sent to Membership
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Oct 20- The twenty one (21 day) notification completed to the membership
Oct 20-27 BIG PULSE Vote forthe a for the Adoption of Rules
Oct 28 - Vote results
- John More agreed to act as the pen holders in the drafting of the new ROP
- Glenn and Silvia to provide RALO comparisons for NARALO ROP
- Timelines
- Draft ROP launched at the General Assembly at ARIN meeting on April 2 to 5th, 2017
- Target: Formal adoption at the 10th anniversary at the June meeting in Johannesburg South Africa or in the July meeting as there is no RALO meeting in Johannesburgprior to ICANN 60 at Abu Dhabi
The NARALO ROP is under review starting at the NARALO August 8th, 2016 meeting with a call for volunteers to help to review the document and do a summary comparison to the other RALO's. The current draft as of May 28, 2017 is located here:
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These efforts are consistent with the other RALO's which have been changes or in the midst of making updates ie. EURALO Task Force on review and revision of the EURALO By-Laws
Rules and Procedures Draft 2017-03-30: name View file
NARALO Rules of Procedure DISCUSSION DRAFT (03-30-17).docx
Expectations of ROP Review Team Volunteers
2.3 Participation to NARALO discussions is open to every user and group of users and their participation will be promoted.
3.0 Language
3.1 The NARALO will be multilingual from its inception. Public documents will be produced in English, French and Spanish as appropriate.
3.2 NARALO monthly calls will be offered in French and Spanish given that at least three members expressly request the language translation services
6.1 Participation to NARALO affairs and discussions implies agreement with the NARALO Code of Conduct.( ADD LINK)
6.2 The ability of the NARALO to represent the interest of Internet users depends on strong participation from all NARALO Members and Appointees. Furthermore, the NARALO can only function effectively if all NARALO Members and Appointees meet the obligations of their positions. Satisfactory performance is a complex concept including both objective and subjective issues, and must factor in the very significant personal contributions made by At-Large volunteers.
6.3 All NARALO Members must make regular and significant contributions to the NARALO, At-Large and ICANN. Contributions can include posting comments, suggestions on the mailing list, participation in At Large working groups or in task forces, participating in RALO and ALAC meetings.
6.4 A variety of metrics will be maintained related to quantifiable performance aspects to ensure that all NARALO Members and appointees are aware of their performance, and to support the Chair in the responsibility of monitoring such performance. Such metrics will include, but are not limited to:
6.5 Meeting attendance, which includes sending prior notice if attendance is not possible. Attendance will be based on individual NARALO sessions for meetings held during an ICANN meeting and the monthly NARALO meetings held online.
6.6 Participation in the decisions and votes of the NARALO
6.7 Participation and roles played in NARALO working groups as well as those of other bodies within ICANN.
6.8 Subject to privacy and confidentiality requirements, the metrics for all Members and Appointees will be publicly available.
6.9 The NARALO is empowered to set thresholds which the ALSes could use to monitor performance.
6.10 The NARALO has the right to withdraw the appointment of NARALO appointees.
6.11 The Chair is empowered to initiate or take action as agreed to by the NARALO with regard to performance and remediation. Any such actions must be done with due sensitivity and consideration to cultural differences throughout the globally diverse At-Large Community to the extent possible. Such actions may include but not be limited to:
6.12 Discussion of issue with the NARALO Member or Appointee.
6.13 Use of an impartial third-party for mediation.
6.14 Discussion with the ALAC leadership if the NARALO Member is an appointee to the ALAC.
6.15 Recommend to ICANN the withdrawal of travel funding.
6.16 Although resignations are far preferable to the NARALO taking formal action, should the situation warrant it, the NARALO may vote to remove an NARALO Member following the procedures described in Paragraph 7.0.
6.20 The ICANN Ombudsman provides an independent internal evaluation of complaints by members of the ICANN community who believe that the ICANN staff, Board or an ICANN constituent body has treated them unfairly.
7.0 Decertifications
7.1 When an ALS representative does not participate
Ceasing to meet any of the criteria terminates unaffiliated membership.
7.2 Should a situation arise that requires the removal of an NARALO Member the following will apply:
7.2.1 In the case of an accredited ALS the ALS Representative(s) must be given an opportunity to explain to the NARALO Leadership why the ALS should not be decertified (listed as “Inactive” thereby forfeiting any and all voting rights, and then if decertification is desired or agreed upon, a submission with explanatory notes will be presented to the ALAC for further action and processing via the RALOs Regional representatives).
7.2.2 In the case of an Individual the person must be given an opportunity to explain to the NARALO why he/she should not be removed and if remedial action is not an option, then resignation is to be encouraged.
7.2.3 Should a vote be necessary within the RALO regarding removal, it will be carried out with a secret ballot of all sitting NARALO Members except the one in question.
Final Points
Where these Operating Principles may conflict with the other documents governing NARALO operating rules, procedures and practices, these Operating Principles shall prevail