4.0 NARALO News Update (2 minutes)
- Leah Smelkher passed ALAC approval as Symekher has been approved by ALAC as NARALO NOMCOM on July 26th
4.1 ICANN 60 NARALO Call For Substitutes- Glenn (2 minutes)
Announcement Evan Leibovitch selected with Louis Houle as backup
5.1 Rules of Procedures Update - John More (20 15 min)
6.0 Outreach and EngagmentEngagement
6.1 Update ISOC SFC and ISOC NY Read Out Sessions- Susannah and Joly (5 Minutes)
6.2 CROPP Trips to ARIN October 2017 in San Jose (5 Minutes)
Draft One Submitted by William Cunningham(Unaffiliated) NARALO Trip Proposal 1 DRAFT
8. NARALO GA ACTION ITEMS- Sylvia (1 2 minute)
NARALO General Assembly 2017 Action Items