Versions Compared


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NameALSPrimary InterestSecondary Interest
Judith HellersteinCAGSetting AgendaAccessibility
Alfredo CalderonISOC PR  
Glenn McKnightFBSCLogisticsSponsorship
Alan GreenbergUnaffiliatedSponsorship 
Seth ReissIP&T Hawaii State BarFacilitatorsTopic Suggestion
Loris TaylorNPM  
Allan SkucePCNAassist with surveysfacilitation
  Showcase/Cocktail party 
  Mentor/Mentee match maker 
  Information kits 
  Pre Event Topic Survey 
  Post Evaluation Survey 
Louis HouleISOC QuebecFacilitationAccessibility
  Table Top Volunteers-Roster 
Avri DoriaISOC NYC  


Table  top Outreach and Engagement
