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Date: Thursday, 12 January 2017


1.0 Welcome and Roll call (2 min)

Introduction of new Ombudsman- Herb Waye (3 Min)

ICANN Expected Standards of Behavior Slide

2.0 Action Items December 12 call - Staff (2 min) 

    •  1. Glenn McKnightto draft a certificate of  acknowledgement for Darlene Thompson for her contributions to NARALO.
    •  2. Silvia Vivanco to follow up with Tribal Ambassadors on their reports for the Pilot.
    •  3. Glenn McKnight to send the ARIN fellowship information to all Unaffiliated  members
    •  4. Volunteers for the GA agenda - Leah S. Howard D. Seth R. and Tom L. Joly
    •  5. Gisella Gruber to arrange for General Assembly Remote participation
    •  6. Glenn McKnight to circulate the survey one more time to select one slogan between the following two:

     Slogan " MANY VOICES,ONE  INTERNET" (11 votes). 2) The voice of North American end-users in ICANN ( 7 votes)

    •  7. Terri Agnew  in coordination with Judith Hellerstein to send a doodle out for a call of the General Assembly GA Organizing Committee for the first week of January

3.0 Announcements- Community Activity to Share 5 minutes-Open  Announcements

3.1 Tribal Ambassador Pilot Project Report (April/Valerie) (3 min)

4.0  NARALO General Assembly 2017  Glenn (7 min)

5.0  Rules of Procedures Update - John More  (-2 min)

NARALO Operating Principles Review

6.0 Communications -Glenn  - (7 min)

6.1.  Organizational call with Chris Mondini- Regional Planning

6.2   Work in Progress NARALO Work in Progress

6.3 NARALO Newsletter Eduardo Diaz 

6.4 NARALO Mail Card and NARALO brochure - Silvia

6.5 Business  Card- SLOGAN  Survey- Judith

Final  votes result 

10 votes for The voice of North American end-users in ICANN

7.0   Ideas/suggestions for FY18 special Budget requests- Judith or Heidi (5 mins)

At-Large FY18 Budget Development Workspace

8.0  Working Group Updates (Social Media, TTF, new GTLD, auctions, If time allows)

9.0  Outreach and Engagement - Glenn - (5 minutes)

9.1   Outreach Report

9.2 New application process for the O and E--Local Outreach. $2,000 per RALO for specific local initiatives

 Form for RALO request for funding to support an Outreach Activity 

 9.3 NARALO CROPP CROPP FY 17 -   Glenn (3 minutes)

10.0  Individual Membership Update - Glenn/Judith (3 mins)

10.1 ALSes on non-active Status- Update - Judith (3 mins)

11.0 Nom-Com - Eduardo Diaz (4 minutes)

12.0 Review of Current ALAC Public Consultations - Alan Greenberg (3 minutes)







2. NARALO draft FY18 special Budget requests-  Glenn 




At-Large FY18 Budget Development Workspace