Scope of Project
Alfredo Calderon
Hi Glenn:
In regards to the brochure I would suggest:
- Is it possible to have a wider representation from NA chapters in the "From some of the Members column? As well as having an up-to-date photo.
- In the column About ICANN, some mention of the IANA transition.
- I would add a QR Code pointing to ICANN-At Large website.
- In the Who is NARALO column or middle column have an image that is linked to a short video where someone (president NARALO) makes a short "motivational speech" to individuals/organizations interested in partnering with us.
- Review some of the links that seem obsolete or non-functional. (e.g. To get your organization certified as an At-Large Structure see
- Are the "What Issues are Important to NARALO" described up-to-date.
Left Column
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NARALO has 27 AtLarge structures which meet regularly on the second
Monday per month virtually on a teleconference plus at three ICANN meetings
per year. Our membership spans Canada, the continental USA and
Puerto Rico with participation in English, Spanish or French.
Our outreach and engagement has made a special effort
to reach out to Native Americans and Canadian organizations
and those groups that serve people with Special Needs.
Join us to help provide a voice to the end users in the ICANN
ecosystem and make a difference.
Glenn McKnight
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Centre Panel
-Do we add a NARALO social media pages?