3.1.2. Review of CROPP-RT selection process/Vacancies -CROPP Need to be either a member of Outreach & Engagement
3.2. Re-Chartering of Outreach & Engagement Committee (Glenn or Alan)
3.2. NARALO Newsletter (Eduardo)
3.3. Sub-Regional Meeting Proposed in NYC: The idea is to have mini-regional, informal meetings in locations accessible to a number of members
3.4. Comparing ATLAS II Objectives with At-Large CWG Work (Garth/Tom L.)
4.0 . Community Updates & Recruitment Drive (30 minutes)
4.1 Recruitment Drive for Working Groups. (Outreach & Engagement, Capacity Building, Metrics, New Meeting Strategy, Social Media, At Large Review) (Judith)
4.2 Need People to join the ALS Criteria Task Force (Glenn/Garth/Etc)
4.2.1. Some thoughts on ALS Criteria & Expectations Taskforce (Post: Call on Friday August 7 2015)
4.2.2. Improving the Effectiveness of RALOs and ALSes in supporting the mission of At Large and ICANN
4.3. Concern over Global Domains Division Influence/Control over Compliance
4.3.1. Summary of issue
There appears to be a conflict of Interest within the ICANN Structure.
4.3.2. Questions for Allen Grogan (Rescheduled for September 14)
4.4 ALAC (Glenn/Eduardo/Alan)
4.8 At Large Review Appointment (At-Large Review Working Party 2015 - 2019)
4.8.2. Improving the Effectiveness of RALOs and ALSes in supporting the mission of At Large and ICANN
5. Any Other Business - (Garth (5 min)
House panel adds requirements to ICANN transition (PC World)
Domain Openness Through Continued Oversight Matters Act of 2015 "DOTCOM"
Most Recent ICANN Congressional Hearing
Russia Bans Funding from "undesirable" foreign groups (RT)Most Recent ICANN Congressional Hearing
6. Adjournment