Nominee | Nominated and Supported by | Date Nominee Accepted | Nominee's Statement | Results |
Garth Bruen | Evan Leibovitch, Judith Hellerstein, Sunish Gupta, Glenn McKnight | 21 April 2015 | As a three-year Chair of NARALO I have seen various needs that need to be filled within At-Large, especially in under-represented communities. The recruitment we have done in NARALO has received recognition from other regions and from ICANN itself. We need to take this to the next level. As a community we have done a fantastic job of including our concerns in the policy debate and monitoring what ICANN and the contracted parties do. However, we need to hold ICANN to its claim of truly representing the global Internet user and consumer. Without representation and reach into all cultures, languages and levels of accessibility, ICANN’s reach is actually marginal. Developing methods to truly reach all Internet users and making the policy layer accessible to all will be a major part of my work if elected to ALAC. | Garth Bruen by election |
Avri Doria | Joly MacFie, Jean Polly | 12 April 2015 | Thank you Joly for the nomination for ALAC. As mentioned on the list at the time of the nomination, I do accept it. While I have been an active, and somewhat visible, member of the GNSO for the last decade, my first introduction to ICANN was through the At-Large. Before being selected for a GNSO Council seat by the Nomcom in 2005, I was an ALAC groupie. And through all my years in the GNSO, have participated in the At-Large, mostly in working groups, but also in the ALS I serve as a director of. I have also been a WG co-chair for an At-Large working group and a member of several others. I had decided before I ever ran for my current GNSO Council seat as an NCG representative, that it would only be for a single term - the one in which the GNSO review was determined. Having been responsible for implementing the reorganization of the GNSO several years ago, I wanted to see that process through to the review. That is nearly done. During the years before this term I had gotten much more involved with At Large, and found that when I had to drop back on At-Large activities, I missed it. I also want to move beyond the GTLD focus on gTLDs to work on broader ICANN issues. My interest in ALAC has to do with several drives:
I am open to any questions, and I hope that people will consider voting for me. |
NARALO ALAC MEMBER TO FILL THE SEAT VACATED BY GLENN MCKNIGHT (Term: 2015 AGM - 2016 AGM) but eligible for re-election for 2 additional 2 year terms.
Nominee | Nominated and Supported by | Date Nominee Accepted | Nominee's Statement | Results |
Judith Hellerstein | Glenn McKnight, Joly MacFie, Garth Bruen, Darlene Thompson | 11 April 2015 | My decision to run for the Secretariat Position is to continue the work that I have been doing as acting secretariat since December 2014 when Garth took a leave of absence and also have been vice chair. I have much experience in this area and would like to continue to serve NARALO. As Secretariat, I have been advancing NARALO's positions and outreach both in the technology area and in the accessibility area where I have been championing the need for captions not only for those with hearing loss but also for those with limited bandwidth and who's native language is not English. Because of my advocacy on this issue and through the work I and Glenn McKnight have done on the Technology Task Force we have made staff at ICANN aware of this need and they are working working hard to meet these goals, first with a new website and also hopefully with captioning. After winning funding for a captioning pilot during the ICANN Special Request Funding we hope to launch a pilot program for captioning in October 2015. I plan on continuing my advocacy and outreach on these efforts to different communities if you elect me as Secretariat. Additionally, I am working with Glenn McKnight to create a new template for the RALO monthly reports so that they can be more informative, provide important data for the metrics group, and also give other RALOs a template they can use to write reports. NARALO has its challenges and we need a clear vision and strategy to mobilize more of our membership to get involved with NARALO activities. We need more active volunteers and this will require effort and dedication. I believe strongly in having an open and transparent process that respects the opinions of all our members. It is only by having an open process that people can have trust that their representative will work for them and for what they believe. I will seek consensus opinion and get more of our ALSes involved in different working groups. I have managed the process of obtaining regional advice for new ALSes. I also have worked with Staff to coordinate strategic issues and also for special budget proposals. In closing, I believe I provide leadership, organizational skills, attention to detail and experience that is an essential combination for the Secretariat position. Here is the link to my SOI Judith Hellerstein SOI, which lists the committees and groups I have been active in during my time at ICANN. | Judith Hellerstein by election |
Louis Houle | Eduardo Diaz, Monique Chartrand, Stephanie Perrin | 17 April 2015 | I have the pleasure to be part of the NARALO since its inception. I participated in ICANN meetings remotely at the beginning, but when I've been elected chair of ISOC Quebec in 2007, I started to participate in person as my interest for ICANN kept growing. I appreciated my involvement in the NARALO Capacity Building meetings and received a certificate during the 45th ICANN meeting in Toronto in 2012. Since 2009, I focussed on the DotQuebec application that is now in service among many other new TLDs and, as you know, I'm a member of the NomCom team since 2014 and I want to thank you for giving me this opportunity. The NomCom 2015 is now in the evaluation process of the 81 applications received for leadership positions and we now meet remotely on a weekly basis. I think that my background as a journalist, a communication expert and a manager for the Quebec Government could be useful to keep improving the NARALO communications and outreach within the ICANN community and among the ALs. |