2.4. All: Update on the the NARALO and ARIN MOU.- Consensus to be takenwas reached. Signature to take place in Singapore.
2.5 All: Update on ALS Application for the Consumer Association Of Canada: ALS has received notification accreditation today.2.6 Staff: Update on when we can submit a request for new brochures
3. ALS update (Peoplewho and Consumers Council of Canada) - staff (5 min)
- Statements approved by the ALAC:
- Statements in process: being drafted, in comment or in vote:
- Translation and Transliteration of Contact Information PDP Initial Report - Satish Babu drafting a Statement
- IDN TLDs - LGR Procedure Implementation - Maximal Starting Repertoire Version 2 - Satish Babu drafting a Statement
- ICANN Draft Five-Year Operating Plan - ALAC submitted a Statement with ratification pending; ALAC voting on a Statement
- Statements that seem to be stalled:
- None
- Public Comment requests to which the ALAC decided not to submit Statements:
- Release of Country and Territory Names within the .BMW and .MINI TLDs - Reply period ends on 23 January 2015
- IDN TLD Program - Label Generation Ruleset (LGR) Tool Project (P1) - LGR Tool Set Specifications - Reply period ends on 23 January 2015
- Proposed Renewal of .JOBS Sponsored TLD Registry Agreement - Reply period ends on 20 January 2015
- New Public Comment requests requiring decision:
7. IANA/Accountability activity update + Q&A - Alan (20 min) Any Other Business (5 min)