Chat: AC Chat transcript 12 January 2015
Recording: EN
1. Welcome and Roll call - Evan (5 min)
22. Update on action items - Staff (10 min)
2.1: "First Nations" Mentoring Program-Heidi
2.2. Staff: Please advise of the status of the request to grant access to VIBUG for the development and testing of new ICANN web features for the visually impaired.
2.3. All: Potential ALS decertifications pending: peoplewho.org and Web405 (ON HOLD)
2.4. All: Update on the the NARALO and ARIN MOU.- Consensus to be taken
2.5 All: Update on ALS Application for the Consumer Association Of Canada
2.6 Staff: Update on when we can submit a request for new brochures
3. ALS update (Peoplewho and Consumers Council of Canada) - staff (5 min)
7. IANA/Accountability activity update + Q&A - Alan (20 min) Any Other Business (5 min)