- Co-Chairs are appointed by their Regional members to represent their interests on their designated committee or working group
- They must already have a demonstrable interest and skills as well as active engagement in the work of their designated committee or working group
- They must have a working knowledge of the DNS and associated policy issues and be able to discuss these in a community context
- They must be prepared to participate actively in their work of their committee or working group
- They must discuss any issues relating to their committee or working group with the RALO leadership and seek permission to speak at the monthly RALO meetings.
- They must be prepared to regularly update their RALO communities about what is of priority interest to their committee or working group each month and gather any feedback.
- They must also write a report on the workings of their committee or working group for their monthly RALO newsletter
ALAC NomCom Description for ALAC - 20212022