- Unlicensed user Dev Anand Teelucksingh to send a template to collect information from ALSes to the OC.
- Unlicensed user sylvia leite to send the template to all ALSes.
- Unlicensed user Silvia Vivanco to prepare a very short summary about the Showcase, to be sent to Google by Alberto Soto.
- Unlicensed user jose.arce to contact Ernesto Majo (LACNIC) for sponsorship
- Unlicensed user sylvia leite to ask all LACRALO ALses if in case no Sponsor is found if they would be willing to fund the Showcase with a donation of $ 25. Dev's idea: 25 $ per ALSes to come up with the 500$ required.
- Unlicensed userjose.arce to ask Sylvia Herlein to ask funding from an Argentinean member of the GAC (Olga Cavalli)
- OC to choose a Theme for the Showcase and send it to staff. Staff to sent emails inviting all the speakers.
- Unlicensed user raul.bauer has offered a typical Argentinean dinner (asado) for 20 persons on Thursday 21st. If more than 20 ALSes attend the meeting the event will not take place.