LACRALO Monthly Meeting
1.2 Programa de capacitación: Garth Bruen - Presidente de NARALO (conociendo los otros RALOs) (30 min)
6.1 Reportes de las reuniones de ICANN - Jose Arce and Sylvia Herlein Leite
6.2 LACRALO SHOWCASE - Jose Arce and Sylvia Herlein Leite
7. Politicas de ICANN. LACRALO Policy Issues (15 min)
1.2 Capacity Building Program Garth Bruen - NARALO Chair (getting to know the other RALOs) (30 min)
2. Action Items
3. Working Groups Update (10 min)
6.1 Reports of ICANN meetings: Reportes de las reuniones de ICANN - Jose Arce and Sylvia Herlein Leite
6.2 LACRALO SHOWCASE - Jose Arce and Sylvia Herlein Leite
7. LACRALO Policy Issues (15 min)