ALAC Selection Schedule for 2014 ALAC Representatives - Proposed by the ALAC:
3 June - ALAC Chair announces call for nominations and Statements of Interest
3 June - 14 June - Nomination period (nominations accepted for 2 weeks).
21 June - Deadline for nomination acceptances
28 June - 5 July - Elections (If required, elections will begin no later than one week after the deadline for nomination acceptances and end no later than two weeks after that deadline).
8 July - RALO Chairs to inform ALAC Chair of Selection Results. ALAC Chair to inform NomCom Chair and Chair-Elect of ALAC Selection Results
2013 AGM [ 17th - 21st November ] - Newly elected ALAC representative shall be seated on the ALAC at the close of the 2013 AGM on Thursday, 21st November 2013
01 July 2013: Introductory call for LACRALO ALAC Representative Selection 2013