"6. The LACRALO shall be assisted by a Secretariat; the duties of said Secretariat may be performed by an ALS member appointed by the General Assembly.
7. The Secretariat shall have administrative and informative functions. It will be responsible for maintenance of the communications systems and the proper flow of information on matters under discussion among all the ALSs belonging to the LACRALO, and any other responsibilities assigned to it by the General Assembly."
The term of the LACRALO Secretariat is one year.
"8. The LACRALO shall elect two (2) individual to serve as representatives before the At Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) on the terms specified in the ICANN By-Laws. Only those ALSs that have been
accredited prior to the election shall be entitled to vote in the election. Each accredited ALS shall be entitled to one vote. The selected representatives shall be members of various ALSs, have their main places
of residence in countries of the region, and their nationalities must be distinct. The representatives shall be responsible for the duties stipulated by the ICANN By-Laws.In the case of the election, the affiliation, residency and nationality shall also be taken into account with respect to the person acting as a representative vis-à-vis the ALAC on behalf of the LAC appointed by the NomCom.
9. The term of office of the two representatives elected by the LACRALO vis-à-vis the ALAC shall not exceed two (2) years and they may not be re-elected.
First Temporary Provision: The term of office of the initial members shall be two (2) and three (3) years respectively, and a new representative shall be elected upon expiration of their terms. In that manner, a candidate will be voted for each year. In the case of the first representative elected for two years, re-election for a single two-year term will be possible."
and in accordance with Article XI of the ICANN bylaws, Section 2, Paragraph 4c:
How does LACRALO recommend a NomCom candidate?
- As per ICANN's Bylaw Article XI, Section 2.4e, "The ALAC shall, after consultation with each RALO, annually appoint five voting delegates (no two of whom shall be citizens of countries in the same Geographic Region, as defined according to Section 5 of Article VI) to the Nominating Committee."
- When the ALAC formallys asks for selections, a call for candidates from LACRALO to serve on the NomCom committee is announced to the LACRALO mailing lists and on its website. A deadline for the submission of nominations is specified in the announcement.
- During this call for candidates, ALS representatives in LACRALO may offer him or her self as a NomCom candidate and/or nominate another ALS representative to be a NomCom candidate. ALS representatives can also second such nominations. Nominated candidates to NomCom are expected to confirm whether he or she is willing to stand as a candidate.
- After the close of the call for candidates, nominated candidates should submit a statement of interest which would be posted on the LACRALO website. This is typically for only a few days as it is expected that nominated candidates would have worked on such a statement during the call for candidates. The time also allows for the setting up of the online poll for the voting period to select a preferred LACRALO candidate.
- The vote to select a preferred LACRALO candidate takes place. At the beginning of the voting period, each ALS in LACRALO is emailed specific instructions and a website to go to submit their vote.
- At the end of the voting period, the results are tallied as per rule 12.9 of the RoP (each vote is weighted with a country coefficient) and the results of the vote are announced to the list, with the preferred candidate.
- LACRALO transmits all accepted nominations, with its recommendation of its preferred candidate to ALAC.