Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Thank you so much.
Heidi Ulrich: Do you think that went well?
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: I think so; at least I got my point across.
Heidi Ulrich: So if you can just be in touch with [inaudible] then, about the timing. Did you want to do a doodle, did you say?
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: We could do the doodle for either Thursday or Friday. Although I have a feeling Thursday, so pick Thursday.
Heidi Ulrich: We’re just now seeing the schedule for our workshop next week, let me just take a look for Thursday.
[Unknown]: Thursday we’ve got a…
Heidi Ulrich: Good, you’re on the call, good [unclear].
[Unknown]: Sorry, I’m here. Tanya thanks for everything, thanks to the interpreters, thanks to everyone else, I was just getting myself off mute. Dev if you can just wait 2 seconds… [inaudible].
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: No problem.
Christina: Thank you everyone, I’m going to log off, have a good night and a Happy Thanksgiving.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Alright, thank you Christina, thank you so much again.
Christina: My pleasure. Bye bye.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: I’m now seeing the cost of the capacity estimates from Silvia. I didn’t see that during the call.
Heidi Ulrich: Yeah it’s okay, probably better not to say all that right now anyway. And if they insist on having Fatima, etc, I’m sure that that can be arranged.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Well what happens also is that when we do the poll, part of me is like, if not everybody responds, or they don’t agree to the conditions for whatever reason, then we can’t offer the support to that ALS. And we have a few extra spaces, so to speak.
Heidi Ulrich: But also keep in mind, people like Alejandro Pessanti, I don’t think he’s going to wish to sit in a capacity building program. He could teach it.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Yeah he could lead it.
Heidi Ulrich: Exactly.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Sorry [inaudible] Fatima’s point, I mean, I recognize that. But then [inaudible] wants to then send somebody from ISOC Mexico.
Heidi Ulrich: Yeah I understand.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: But the thing is, I want to keep the costs low. You don’t want to go into the triple figures.
Heidi Ulrich: Absolutely.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Because when they look at that, they think, woah.
Heidi Ulrich: I don’t know if Matt’s on the call still, but in AFRALO we had a couple drop out. So even though there was money for everyone they didn’t all use it. And keep in mind that there is some money left over from AFRALO as well.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: I know, but I don’t want to mention that in the call.
Heidi Ulrich: And Olivier knows that as well, so he could use that.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: So exactly yeah that’s $3,000. That’s three people…
Heidi Ulrich: So basically, I heard you mention a little bit, but were you able to make the action item about you and Jose sending a note to Olivier formally requesting this event?
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Yes, we said that we will share the text, we will work on it and get it done by tomorrow so that can be sent out on Friday. Obviously we will make sure it’s in English.
[Unknown]: Heidi? We’ve brought up the [inaudible] schedule. Sorry Dev, we’ve got this face-to-face meeting next week and I didn’t think that Thursday was quite as full as it is.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Oh dear.
Heidi Ulrich: Is that internal meetings?
[Unknown]: Oh gosh, it’s 8.30 through to, I’ve got it [inaudible].
Heidi Ulrich: Do you have a more detailed list of appointments? Am I missing something?
[Unknown]: Yes Heidi, in the email that Marilyn sent today you have, the 5th document is PD internal schedule. Do you have Marilyn’s email?
Heidi Ulrich: I do have that, but she’s also printed the text for the whole agenda at the bottom of the email, so there’s more in those documents? Let me take a look.
[Unknown]: Yes if you look at the 5th document called PD internal schedule. Basically the best time for us Dev… Now, I heard you mention a call with regards to the continuation of Monday’s call, is that correct?
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Correct. So instead of trying to do two calls, let’s just try to do one call and just set up that as a portion of that call.
[Unknown]: If we’re doing one call, I can foresee this call to be 2 hours.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: I would agree with that assessment.
[Unknown]: Looking at 2 hours for next Thursday, it’s going to be extremely difficult to have. There’s one portion that I’d really like to be on as soon as Heidi gets the schedule up.
Heidi Ulrich: I have it up.
[Unknown]: 12 to 1 MD our time would be 2000 to 2100 UTC, which could work.
Heidi Ulrich: We could also do 10:30 to 11:30 because for new policy team members, that’s not a…
[Unknown]: Starting at 1830. But you see 1830 Buenos Aires time is 3pm, in the middle of the afternoon. My thinking behind this is on Thursday we can offer a slot, let’s say from 1830 to 2030 UTC or from 1900 to 2100 UTC. Or my suggestion would alternatively be the Monday. It’s going to be very difficult for staff to be on the call and I think having the call without staff is not really an option. We’re getting into showcase, into…
Heidi Ulrich: What time is this? Monday what time?
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Monday 2359 I guess. I think that seemed to be a much more well-attended call, I was very surprised actually.
Heidi Ulrich: What about Seth, could Seth cover for that and just give us… I mean, at a minimum if we had to do that day, Seth could cover.
[Unknown]: If we are to do that day, yes Seth could cover and report back.
Heidi Ulrich: But I would prefer Thursday or Friday.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: [Inaudible] have time to book on the weekend. Because once we head into December it’s going to be very hard to get people, closer towards Christmas anyway.
[Unknown]: Okay, just for me to set up a doodle, and Dev I’ll work with you on integrating it into the second part of Monday’s call. The first of December, I think the safest bet is probably a 1900 to 2100 slot, or 2100 to 2300 and get Seth to cover.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Well, let me ask you again, 2359 UTC, you don’t think that’s feasible?
[Unknown]: Would you like us to offer those three time slots on Thursday? We can offer the 1900 to 2100…
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Oh I see, this is on Thursday, that will be the 1st of December. Okay, if Thursday 2359 could happen, I think that would work well.
Heidi Ulrich: Sorry, just quickly, the time of the task force meeting – when is that scheduled?
[Unknown]: The task force meeting, just bear with me for a second - I’m going to forward it to Cheryl, currently the best option would be Monday the 28th at 1700, according to the doodle poll.
Heidi Ulrich: What time is that Pacific?
[Unknown]: 9am.
Heidi Ulrich: Perfect.
[Unknown]: I’m going to send an email to confirm it with Cheryl before sending it out to the group. So, getting back to LACRALO. Thursday, Dev?
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Thursday 1st of December, I have a feeling that 2359, if that’s doable, I think that would work great. If you want to offer a choice, fine, but I just have an instinct that the 2359 would work well because it seemed to work well for the Monday call.
[Unknown]: Do you want to do a doodle poll with 2359 to 0200 UTC and offer Monday the 5th, the same timeslot?
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Sure. Should we offer the Friday? I don’t mind doing it on Friday but I’m just thinking… I don’t think people would, but if we wanted to offer the choice I guess we should, just to be complete?
[Unknown]: Do we want to offer the 2359 to 0200?
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Yes, just in case, I’m sure that nobody will go for it but you never know.
[Unknown]: So we’re going for Thursday 1st, Friday 2nd, and Monday 5th, correct?
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Correct.
[Unknown]: Okay, we’ll do it this way, I think Olivier like myself will only be for the first half of the call, it goes into 2am…
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: That’s alright.
[Unknown]: …morning, but Heidi and Silvia, etc, we’ll make it work.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Yeah I know, but apparently what people were saying afterwards was that because they were at home it was not a problem, whereas 5pm or 6pm is the time most people are either staying at work to attend a call or fighting traffic.
[Unknown]: So we’ve agreed on that? Do you want to just give me what you want to put in the doodle? Because I wasn’t aware that we were having a second part on Monday’s call.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Well, what should we say: LACRALO would like to have another conference call to continue the discussion from Monday 21st conference call’s issues and the Costa Rica events working group. The meeting will be a 2 hour call and please indicate the most suitable times, then give the options. Something to that effect.
[Unknown]: So it should be put for 2 hours?
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: I think we should schedule the translation for 2 hours at least, because you always have that lead time of… well hopefully we won’t have any of these problems that we had in today’s call. Not sure what the problem was there. But yes, schedule it for 2 hours – we may finish earlier.
[Unknown]: Okay, I’ll get this off then.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: So we can have the first discussion a continuation of the discussion regarding geographic regions and bylaw modifications, and then we can talk about the showcase a little bit more. I’m sure it will be an hour and a half but let’s leave it for 2 hours, it makes life simpler. Were there any issues in the [unclear] regarding LACRALO that I should be aware of? Because I saw Olivier’s email formally requesting the document for the regional request.
[Unknown]: That’s to be able to get it through and give it approval, but you haven’t sent that through have you?
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: No that’s next, we have to draft that. I’ll share the Google doc, get people to contribute and get that done by Thursday so that you can give it to Olivier by Friday. Let me ask one quick question, was there a poll done for AFRALO, and if so what was that email like?
Heidi Ulrich: If I can answer for that, there was no poll made.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Was that because everybody, because the budget was there, everybody was invited?
Heidi Ulrich: Correct.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: I see.
Heidi Ulrich: Are you planning on sending the poll before the budget is actually approved?
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Well, I don’t know if you saw the text of the document, because Jose wants to send out the poll.
Heidi Ulrich: Oh I remember, it says something about ‘if there is funding’… well hopefully Olivier will take it to the [inaudible], etcetera ASAP and the decision will be made very shortly. So I would hope by mid-December there would be a response. And I think it would be better to hold off on that and change the text of the poll, because otherwise you’re getting everyone’s hopes high, and then if there isn’t anything… and we’re literally talking about only a few weeks. It’s up to you but…
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: I can try talking to Jose, or we can ask Silvia to talk to Jose about this, maybe that might go too far?
Heidi Ulrich: What are your thoughts on that? Why are you so eager?
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: I agree. I wasn’t so eager. I think the idea was that the poll would then indicate who would be able to go – I think we could have used it earlier. Then we could say that we have polled it and we know that the vast majority wanted it and then we’d have a firm budget estimate. Because I think the worst thing is if we get some money and then realize we either have to ask for a second round or say we can’t really send all of you and do some sort of straw poll or something.
Heidi Ulrich: I think the next board meeting is on the 8th of December and I don’t know when the board finance committee is meeting, but I would hope that a decision would be made shortly. Because the meeting is in mid-March so the planning will need to take place very quickly.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Exactly. I don’t know if you saw the text of it and if you have any suggestions. That’s why I tried to break it out like that, to ask ‘will you be attending despite the current lack of ICANN travel support?’. And then the third question will be, ‘if financial support becomes available via ICANN, will you then attend the meeting in Costa Rica?’; and ‘if you are attending Costa Rica, do you agree to attend all events organized by the LACRALO Costa Rica events working group?’
Heidi Ulrich: I would say something in the first sentence that it’s still absolutely preliminary depending on funding.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: I understand what you’re saying.
Heidi Ulrich: I would also mention something in the objectives, something about [inaudible].
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Oh you mean the objectives of these events? Okay, I’ll work with Jose on this. Maybe Silvia could also…
Heidi Ulrich: I think the text was clearly if financial support becomes available…
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: I know that sometimes the new answers don’t get carried over in the other language. For the Caribbean it will be fine, everybody understands what this means, but I am always worried about misinterpretations.
Heidi Ulrich: If you could just make those changes about everything being preliminary, et cetera.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Okay, [inaudible]. And actually there’s been quite some good feedback, some good exchanges of emails between Natalia and Fatima and Cintra and Carlton. I’m optimistic about things going forward here.
Heidi Ulrich: Sorry I was on mute. For the next meeting you said you wanted it to be a combination of discussing the two issues, the bylaws and the geographic regions, as well as the Costa Rica events?
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Yes, so instead of trying to do two calls, let’s try to do one.
Heidi Ulrich: That’s going to be a very long call.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Heidi, if there was room for a general assembly here, I would sit here for 4 hours. I have memories from 2006 and 2007, there was a lot of talking. I remember [inaudible] in Brazil, we spent 3 hours debating just the first line of that text, back and forth, and then people would say something not even related to that, but they felt they had to say it. If all the ALS’s are present it will be very long. They may not be debating any issue, they just want to say something.
Heidi Ulrich: So let’s see what the doodle sorts out. I have to go, unfortunately.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Okay so try to make a mention, something on new [inaudible].
Heidi Ulrich: I think that would help you.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: And regarding the poll itself, you’re saying what? Make sure it mentions preliminary
Heidi Ulrich: Yes, if you could just mention it in the first sentence, just add that it’s preliminary plans for the Costa Rica event.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Okay, preliminary plans, I will work on that.
Heidi Ulrich: Thank you very much, good call.
-End of Recorded Material-