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1. Roll call (2 min)  2. Discussion of proposed participation clause in LACRALO Bylaws (10 min)·         See:     LACRALO Bylaw Working GroupDraft Modifications LACRALO Operating Principles 2010Draft Modifications LACRALO Rules of Procedures 2010 3. Clarification of LACRALO contributions to WT C SWOT analyses (15 min)·         See:     Workspace for LACRALO input into WT C SWOT Analysis 4. Update regarding LACRALO elections (10 min)·         Current:  Chair and Secretariat·         Upcoming:  NomCom and ALAC representatives from LACRALO 5.  Review of ICANN policy issues (10 min)·         What should LACRALO or subregional ALSes comment on?·         For example:  Geographic regions 5. Continuation of subregional calls?  Confirmation of next meeting date and time (2 min)