Adobe Connect Meeting Room: http://icann.adobeconnect.com/lacralo2011/
A G E N D A (English)
Agenda is in draft form until adopted by the meeting. Some agenda items have documents attached to it. If available, the document is next to the agenda item. Please do not insert text next to agenda items. The agenda will be easier to read without explanatory text attached. If you would like to add text, please create a new page and link it to the agenda item.
- ALAC Statement Regarding the Current Situation in Egypt
- ALAC Statement on the Accountability and Transparency Review Team Final Recommendations
- ALAC Statement on the Interim Report of the Geographic Regions Review Working Group
- At-Large FY12 Budget Proposal
Proposed Agenda Items:
4. Update on Current Issues (Andres, Vanda, Dev, Sergio)(
15 minutes)
- Update on LACRALO Representative Elections in 2011
- Board/GAC Consultation on New gTLDs (see ICANN Blog Post on Board/GAC Consultation on New gTLDS)
- Transition from IPv4 to IPv6 (ICANN Blog Post on Transition to IPv6)
- Update on recent developments regarding the LACRALO list translation
5. Review
Input from Carribbean and Latin American ALSes to Work Team C SWOT Analysis (Sylvia, Dev) (20 minutes)
Background Information:Workspace for LACRALO input into WT C SWOT analyses