Country Code Names Supporting Organization (ccNSO) Testimonial - : Alejandra Reynoso
Non-Commercial Users Constituency (NCUC) Testimonial: Louise Marie Hurel
I am grateful to be a part of the Community Onboarding Program. Over the past few months, I have been able to experience one of the most welcoming cross-constituency working space; full of energy, dedication and people who, despite their different backgrounds, have found a place where they can learn, share and develop ways of: (i) critically assessing in-reach and (ii) enhancing outreach with a particular structure that is suited to communicating with their respective members (and potential members).
These lessons do not come uncoupled from the fact that I am thrilled and privileged to take part in such a qualified team as the one that I’m in. Both Kathy Kleiman and Ayden Férdeline have been mentors down this road, helping me find my way of meaningfully contributing to the NCUC and the broader ICANN community. Navigating ICANN can sometimes feel like "peeling off an onion"; one goes through layers and layers of knowledge, skill-building, time, dedication and processes. The program has taught me to value my experience and to be more confident, knowing that it takes one step at a time to find my own voice within this ecosystem.
Internet Service Providers and Connectivity Providers (ISPCP) Testimonial: Esteban Lescano, August 2017
I have taken part in the Community Onboarding Pilot Program since ICANN56 in Helsinki, continuing the work and participating in both ICANN58 in Copenhagen and ICANN59 in Johannesburg.
I hope to continue working on the Program during 2018 and finally, I want to thank Janice Douma Lange and her team for the opportunity of continuing learning about ISPs inside ICANN ecosystem, in collaboration with colleagues from other constituencies and taking part in the process of helping newcomers to engage with ICANN.
IPC’s Participation in the ICANN Onboarding Pilot Program, July 2017 Intellectual Property Constituency (IPC): Dusan Popovic
The Intellectual Property Constituency participates in the ICANN Outreach Pilot Program from the start of the program in 2016. The IPC is represented by Mr. Dusan Popovic and Mr. Aleksandar Icokaev, members of the IPC Outreach and Engagement Task Force.
The activities undertaken within the Onboarding Program correspond well to the IPC 2017 Outreach and Engagement Strategic Plan, which prescribes as a specific objective to “(…) improve engagement (…) by providing easier access to knowledge (…) and by providing more guidance and support to newcomers”. The tools developed within the Onboarding Program would address this problem specifically.
Not-for-Profit Operational Concerns Constituency (NPOC Testimonial of the Community Mentorship Program ) Testimonial: Agustina Callegari and Martin Silva
“The Community Mentorship Program aims to welcome and retain new community members in order to integrate them into meaningful work at ICANN. It seeks to lower the entry cost of engagement at the new comer stage by offering fast track of capacity building, information, orientation and community integration.
For the first stage of the program, Janice's consultative and collaborative approach was crucial in ensuring it's growing. We are confident that this Program will have a lasting impact on our community and on ICANN itself.”
Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) Testimonial: Rapid Sun
Rapid SUN was selected to attend ICANN 54 in Dublin. He was coordinator of Khmer Generation Panel for Khmer Script Root Zone LGR proposal (IDN Program). After the ICANN meeting, he had worked to get Cambodia representative in the Government Advisory Committee (GAC) of ICANN at ICANN 55 in Marrakech.