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Date: Thursday, 18 January 2024


 Zoom Room Link: Password: b#6um6qz4=


Action Items:  EN/ES          


Dial out Participants:

ES: Harold Arcos,  

EN:  Claire Craig


Staff: Silvia Vivanco, Yeşim Sağlam


  1. Roll call - Staff (2 mins)

  2. Bienvenida
  3. Action Items ReviewUpdate of Active Work Groups: Brief summary to know what was done recently and what activities or requests must be attended to promptly - Harold Arcos and Board Directors - 10 mins
  4. Directory SummaryCall for volunteers from LACRALO to participate as Chairs, Co-chairs and members of the Working Groups in LACRALO- 10 mins
    1. ACRALO WG Multilingüismo y IDNs/ WG on Multilinguism and IDNs
      1. Sub-grupo de trabajo de Aceptación Universal/Universal Acceptance Sub Working Group -Sylvia Herlein
    2. LACRALO Governance WG /Grupo de trabajo Gobernanza - Sergio
    3. LACRALO WG on Capacity Building/  - -Adrian
    4. LACRALO WG de Comunicaciones/ WG on Communications

  5. Proposal of Working Groups and members for new work groups - Harold Arcos - 10 mins .
  6. Proposal of the Objectives to be met and needs that the proposed groups will cover: Harold Arcos and Sergio Salinas - 10 mins.

  7. Status of proposals for the Universal Acceptance Day call (deadline December 15): LAC UA Team- Sylvia Herlein - 10 mins .

  8. Review FY 2023-2024 Plan and Update on CROP steps: Harold Arcos - 10 mins 

    1. - Marcelo

    2. Policy First - Harold
  9. Comments from Alac Members
  10. AOB

