- Asistencia - Staff- 1 min
- Revision de Actions items - staff- 2 min
- Objetivos: (Vanda and /or Claire)
- Meta/Objetivo de GA.
- Que quiere conseguir LACRALO ?
- Cómo lo conseguirán ? A través de talleres, panel, webinars ? etc.
- Reglas aplicables a la Asamblea General de LACRALO - Título III - Acerca de la Asamblea General Ordinaria y Extraordinarias - Notar Regla 11.3. Autoridades de la Asamblea 11. 6 (Quorum 50% + 1), 11.11.- Como regla general, la Agenda de la Asamblea debe ser cerrada 7 días antes de la reunión. Reglas : https://community.icann.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=141885714
- Introducciones de los Subcomités, métodos de trabajo y planes (10 minutos cada subcomite )Next steps, setting a call schedule
- Sub- committeePrograma
- Promotion Sub-committee-
- Social Event Sub-committee-
- Timeline for main tasks: Deadline to submit travelers database list - 11 November.
- comite del Programa
- Sub-comite de Promocion
- Comite de eventos Sociales
- Calendario para las tareas principales: Fecha limite para enviar la database de viajeros. - 11 Noviembre.
- Siguientes pasos, establecimiento de calendario de llamadas recurrentes
Kindly note the following wiki pages have been set up to organize the LACRALO GA
LACRALO General Assembly 2023/Asamblea General de LACRALO 2023
With child pages for Agenda and Logistics
- Roll call- Staff
- Review of actions items of last call. - staff
- Objectives: (Vanda and /or Claire)
- Aim of the GA.
- What does LACRALO wish to achieve?
- How will they achieve it? Through interactive workshops, webinars, panel etc.
- Reglas aplicables a la Asamblea de LACRALO - Title III - About LACRALO Ordinary and Extraordinary General Assemblies- Note Rule: 11.3. Assembly authorities 11. 6 (Quorum 50% + 1), 11.11.- As a general rule, the Assembly agenda shall be closed 7 days prior to the meeting. Rules: https://community.icann.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=141885714
- Subcommittee’s introduction, method of work and plans (10 mins each subcommittee)
- Program Sub- committee –
- Promotion Sub-committee-
- Social Event Sub-committee-
- Timeline for main tasks: Deadline to submit travelers database list - 11 November.
- Next steps, setting a recurring call schedule
Kindly note the following wiki pages have been set up to organize the LACRALO GA
LACRALO General Assembly 2023/Asamblea General de LACRALO 2023
wiki page : LACRALO General Assembly 2023/Asamblea General de LACRALO 2023