- Welcome and Roll Call - Staff (2 mins)
- Introduction and Aim of the Call - Claire Craig and Vanda Scartezini, LACRALO GA Organizing Committee Co-Chairs (5 mins)
- LACRALO GA Planning Parameters - Claire/Staff/All (15 mins)
- Hybrid Meeting with interpretation in ES/EN/FR/PT - Silvia
- Travel deadline and ALS representative survey - Silvia
- Deadline for number of travelers is 11 November
- ALS Representative Planning Survey - Confirm participation (Remote or Face-to-Face) for travel and planning purposes and ALS Representative suggestions for topics - Silvia
- Survey tentatively to be launched during the October LACRALO Meeting and close 7 days later.
- Duration and Tentative Dates
- All RALOs GAs are two days and three nights
- LACRALO's GA will be held over 2 days within the ICANN76 meeting in Cancun, Mexico
- Tentative Dates are Monday, 13 March and Tuesday, 14 March. Arrival on Sunday, 12 March and Departure on Wednesday, 15 March
- Activities Included
Welcome Reception
- Two Working lunches
- Coffee Breaks
- Networking Reception
- One Dinner
- Transportation to dinner (TBD)
- LACRALO GA Aim, Objectives and Theme Planning Committees - Leadership and Membership - Claire and Vanda (5 15 mins)
- Program committee - Aims, Objectives and Themes
- Suggestions: Welcome Back; Re-engagement, reconnect and re-invigorate
- Program committee
- Promotion committee (communication/social media)
- Social events (networking event)
- Program committee - Aims, Objectives and Themes
- Timeline - Claire (10 mins)
- Next Call - Claire (5 mins)