Date: Monday, 16 November 2020
ES: Claudia and and Marina
PT: Bettina and
FR: Isabelle and Claire
Call Management: Claudia Ruiz
Addendum to the ALAC Statement on EPDP (August 2020)
Although the ALAC and the BC, IPC, GAC and the SSAC each took a somewhat different approach to addressing their positions in respect to the report, the ALAC is in general agreement with the positions taken in the GAC, SSAC and BC/IPC statements. In particular, the ALAC appreciates the in-depth and insightful analysis provided by the GAC, SSAC and BC/IPC.
Enhancing the Effectiveness of ICANN’s Multistakeholder Model – Next Steps
The At-Large community is pleased to follow up on its prior ALAC statements regarding ICANN’s Multistakeholder Model (see: 13 June 2019, 14 October 2019, February 2020) with this ALAC statement on Enhancing the Effectiveness of ICANN’s Multistakeholder Model - Next Steps. The ALAC made recommendations on priority issues, moving out of silos, restoring recruitment and demographics, reviewing previous responses, identifying gaps, pandemic related issues and evaluation of success with respect to the latest Public Comment on the topic.
Final Report of the Cross Community Working Group (CCWG) on new gTLD Auction Proceeds
The ALAC appointed five Members to the CCWG and these Members, alongside several participants from At-Large, were very active contributors to the work of the CCWG. The ALAC believes that all of its concerns have been addressed and therefore was pleased to accept and ratify the Final Report of the new gTLD Auction Proceeds Cross Community Working Group.
ALAC Statement on EPDP (July 2020)
A vast amount of work has been done, but the ALAC believes that if and when the SSAD is deployed, the probability of its meeting the goals needed by the communities whose efforts we support will be low. Therefore, in order for the ALAC to support the EPDP Final Report, the ALAC noted the following GNSO Council outcomes would be required:
- GNSO Council would agree that any Evolution Standing Committee recommendation on additional SSAD decision use-cases (that are in full accordance with the EPDP Policy Recommendation 9.3) will be treated as Implementation and not require further policy deliberations.
- Legal vs Natural, Accuracy, WHOIS Accuracy Reporting System and Anonymized contact email will be fully addressed with full participation in all aspects of discussions by the ICANN Advisory Committees that wish to participate. If these issues are deemed to be policy, they must be addressed by a group empowered to make policy recommendations, led by a qualified, non-conflicted chair. The GAC, ALAC and SSAC must be involved in setting the mandate or charter of such groups. The target for completion of all work should be no later than April 2021.
- The GNSO Council would agree that ratifying the Evolution Standing Committee recommendations will only require a GNSO Majority as currently called for in the GNSO Policy Manual.
- The GNSO Council would acknowledge that deliberations during implementation setting of prices for the SSAD must involve the future potential users of the SSAD and not only look at cost recovery but the actual ability and willingness of SSAD users to pay the prices being set.
Nombre del Comentario Público | Comentarios del Público Cerrar | Estado | Grupo de Trabajo Asignado | Autor(es) | ||||||||||||
| Equipo de redacción voluntario(s): Justine Chew & Small Team: | |||||||||||||
| Equipo de redacción voluntario(s): |