Date: Thursday, 01 October 2020
Zoom Link:
Password: LACGov#001
Action Items: EN/ES
- Roll Call- Staff
- Introduction – Sergio Salinas
- Topic : Individual membership in LACRALO – purpose is to establish details of the virtual ALS , a process to accredit individual members and to create an application form and approval process . (Note until now 11 personas are considered "observers " and are published as such in the wiki page . See:
- Métrics- Review the document and adopt realistic metrics, moreover considering that the Pandemic will have a long term effect worldwide. Metrics document
- Emeritus Council of LACRALO - This is pending
Background documents
Borrador Reglas de Procedimientos
Operating Principles
LACRALO Rules of Procedure (old version)Comparative version RoP English / Spanish approved in June 2014. Versión comparada RoP Inglés / Español aprobada junio 2014Procedure