Date: Thursday, 21 May 2020
Zoom Room: / Password: LAC-Cand1*
Action Items: EN/ES
6.- Preguntas y respuestas para candidatos a Vice Presidente 30' mins = 10 mins por candidato
Nota: Preguntas se toman en el orden en que se reciben a los candidatos de la posición de Vicepresidente
7.- Cierre 3' cada candidate – 15 mins
1. Welcome Sergio 1’
2.- Agenda Adoption - Harold, 2´
3.- Introduction and purpose of the call Staff - Silvia Vivanco 2´
4.- Presentation of Candidates to the position of Chair Elect ( Vice- President ) y and Candidate Presentation elected by acclamation .
5 minutes for each candidate to introduce herself and to share her vision about LACRALO and respective positions - 5 mins x 4 candidatos = 20 mins
Vice Chair candidates :
1.- Augusto Ho - 5 mins
2.- Lia Hernandez - 5 mins
3. - Luis Martinez - 5 mins
Only candidate by Aclamation
Vanda Scartezini - ALAC Delegate to the NomCom
6.- Questions and answers to Chair Elect /Vice President 30' mins = 10 mins per candidate
Note: Questions in order they are received
7.- Closing 3' each candidate – 15 mins
2020 LACRALO Regional Selections