- The LACRALO Organizing Committee members will be Maritza, Humberto, Ricardo, Alberto, Barlett.
- The LACRALO Networking Open House will be held in the ALAC room with interpretation on Wednesday evening from 18:30-19:00. Gisella to confirm with meetings team.
- maritza.aguero will contact Panama’s ALS to look into options for some sort of entertainment .
- Staff to open a wiki page LACRALO Events at ICANN 62 with child pages for the LACRALO Networking Open House and LACRALO Open House meeting.
- $2,000 are available for the outreach/networking. 700 $ available for light refreshments at the LACRALO Open House.
- Organizing Committee members to work on Agendas for both events and post a draft on the wiki page.
- maritza.aguero to look into the possibility of obtaining sponsorship for small souvenirs (stickers)
- Gisella Gruber to work on catering quotes with meetings team.