Summary of tasks in implementation:
- See Recommendation 1.
Target completion date: September--December 2010
"At-Large Advisory Committee The At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) is the primary organizational home within ICANN for individual Internet users. The role of the ALAC shall be to consider and provide advice on the activities of ICANN, insofar as they relate to the interests of individual Internet users. This includes policies created throughICANN’s Supporting Organizations, as well as the many other issues for which community input andadvice is appropriate. The ALAC, which plays an important role in ICANN’s accountability mechanisms, also coordinates some of ICANN’s outreach to individual Internet users. According to ICANN’s Bylaws, the 15-member ALAC consists of two members selected by each of the Regional At-Large Organizations for a total of ten directly elected representatives, and five membersselected by the Nominating Committee. The five members selected by the Nominating Committeeshall include one citizen of a country within each of the five Geographic Regions." - p.6 of the At-Large Beginner's Guide