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At-Large Improvements Taskforce 27 February 2012

Action Items:

Rec. 12


Staff to create a portal for consumer issues - that our document links to which we can include links to other AC/SOs.

12.2 - GNSO outreach for Consumer Reps - Substantially complete but ongoing. Watching brief by the ExCom.

Staff (MA) to contact Rob Hoggarth re current process.

OCL - would like to have more info on consumers kept up to date for At-large.

Rec. 13 - Substantially complete.

13.1a - Substantially completed but still in progress.

Add the link to the PPC space.

TF members to suggest new words to be used rather than 'withdrawn". Terms of Obsolete, deprecated, superceded, accomplished rather than 'withdrawn' were discussed.

Status Update report:

Staff to update table recs 12/13

Section D: Next Steps:  Link to wiki of half day workshop and action items coming out of the workshop.

Also, add text of informing RALOs/ALSes, WGs and ExCom.

Next Meeting:

Staff to inform Taskforce members of confirmed time of Meeting of SIC in CR.