1. Welcome and Adoption of the Agenda and Addendums
2. Roll call
3. Discussion of the draft Curriculum
- Summarizing the comments from the mailing list
Avri - global public interest. Great thing, but might be a point for discussion for another seminar.
Sandra - peer-to-peer; videos - these will help us to continue after the academy. This brings us to the latest development. OCL and CLO introduced her to Eberhard L..
Siva - did not capture
Sadra Sandra - Propose that the PC will re-work the draft curriculum and send it to the WG mailing list by mid-February
4. Looking ahead to the 43rd ICANN Meeting in Costa Rica
Sandra - will have a webinar on the Academy in CR. We also have many people who can discuss the Academy to other constituencies.
OCL - There are currently a number of sessions. One is to have a pure Academy session within At-Large - that will be on Sunday morning. The second will be a meeting of the Public Participation Committee scheduled for Thursday morning.
Sebastien Bachollet - I am hoping the PPC will not have any scheduling conflicts. There will be different topics, but the Academy will be one of them. I think the idea of the Academy is very good and that there should be discussion among the other constituencies.
Rachel - sharing budget?
Sandra - won't share the budget. It won't affect the At-Large budget.
Siva's comments:
1 A. The Academy sessions could be recorded and made available for the community
2 B. Local communities could tranlate the content in full or in summary form, for the first few academy programs, without the need for a budget for translation
3 C. We can experiment on the moodle platform to consider coming up with an online version of the Academy. The platform could be moodle or anything else, but for the sake of discussion, I and Glenn would volunteer to build a moodle framework as a visual aid for disscussion.
4 D. I posted a proposal for long-term development of the academy. While the progress on the first academy is very good, we could take up some of the points for discussion for the academy's long term future
OCL - will answer some of Siva's comments. 1. All of At-Large sessions are recorededrecorded. 2. Local translation of academy program - they are welcome to do so. 3. Moodle platform - yes, that can be tested.