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Welcome & Attendance (5 min... CLO/Staff)

Brief Review of 'The Story So Far' (5-10 min... CLO/Staff)

  • Review of Summary Minutes and the Action Items from last (5th6th) meeting  held on 916-Jan-2012.  
  • At the 6th AII-TF Meeting  we continued our review and status / next steps allocations each of the ALAC  Review Recommendations in numerical order; as detailed in the Summary Minutes linked above, we have completed recommendations on parts of  4.3, 4.5 & 4.6  Line Items 5 through to 10 from our review and status allocations of the implementation recommendations  from WT B Sec 4  of the Taskforce Project Tables.
  • We will continue from line item 11 in this 7th meeting  with items listed with reference to Recommendation 5: Strategic and Operational Plans - "...The ALAC should develop strategic and operational planning processes (including performance criteria and cost information) as part of ICANN’s planning process...."   from Work Team C =>  line item 1 with isuues related to "...Create job descriptions for ALAC members, liaisons andRatify the strategic planning process reflected in the flowchart titled “Figure C-1:  Proposed At-Large Strategic Planning Process” (see Appendix 2), by which the ALAC could contribute to ICANN’s strategic planning. ... "   Please see for additional reference on this part of our work the WTC Portal page at

Reference: Abridged Table of Recommendations and Action Items and Key References:   ALAC/At-Large Improvements Implementation Project Plan - 7 June 2010   and   ALAC/At-Large Improvements Project Milestone Report - 9 October 2011 

Discussion/Review of Tasks and Recommendations Status  (40 min... CLO / AII-TF)

  • Report from the 1st Technology Team meeting held 5th Jan 1900 UTC (Action Item and Implementation Function relating to Rec #3 & 7)   - Dev Anand Teelucksingh to report... ALSO  information on new Social Networking tools  from ICANN   from ICANN Staff Correspondence relevant to our task reporting to SIC, and upcoming meeting in Costa Rica - Heidi Ulrich to Update Update to TF on recent correspondence with Snr ICANN staff re reporting for SIC and review of Leadership activities relating to same (Heidi Ulrich, At-Large Staff and CLO)
  • Continuation of Discussion and Assignment of STATUS for the Recommendations FROM  Rec 45...  (Brief Review only using the Full TF Table as well as record (later) on the 'Recs Wiki pages' listed under Resources below)
