Brief Review of 'The Story So Far' (5-10 min... CLO/Staff)
- Review of Summary Minutes https://community.icann.org/display/Improve/Project+Taskforce+12-12-2011+Summary+Minutes+-+ENSummary Minutes and the Action Items from last (4th) meeting held on 19-Dec-2011.
- At the 3rd AII-TF Meeting we continued our review and status / next steps allocations each of the ALAC Review Recommendations in numerical order; as detailed in the Summary Minutes linked above, we have completed recommendations 1 through to 3 at the 1st AII-TF call and begian with Recommendation 4 at the 3rd AII-TF meeting (having substantially completed discussion on parts of 4.3 Line Items 3 through 5 from WT B Sec 4 of the Taskforce Project Tables.
- We will continue from line item 5 with isuues related to "...attendance of At-Large at non ICANN Meetings... "
Discussion/Review of Tasks and Recommendations Status (40 min... CLO / AII-TF)
- Continuation of Dicsussion Discussion and Assignment of STATUS for the Recommendations FROM Rec 4... (Brief Review only using the Full TF Table as well as record (later) on the 'Recs Wiki pages' listed under Resources below)