- Providing advice on policy;
- Providing input into ICANN operations and structure;
- As part of ICANN’s accountability mechanisms; and
- As an organizing mechanism for some of ICANN’s outreach.
| The WTs propose that the ALAC… | Recs addressed | Status |Submit to the Board the following revision to ICANN Bylaws XI.2.4.a, drafted in collaboration with Legal:
See details in Full Version of table at https://community.icann.org/x/HgTPAQ.1,10, 11
Submit to the Board the following revisions to ICANN Bylaws XI.2.4.j, drafted in collaboration with Legal:
See details in Full Version of table at https://community.icann.org/x/HgTPAQ.1, 11
Form a Working Group (WG) to conduct a complete review of the ALAC’s Rules of Procedure.
See details in Full Version of table at https://community.icann.org/x/HgTPAQ.1 Must
begin In progress
Recommendation 3: The ALS-RALO-ALAC structure of At-Large should remain in place for now.
The WTs propose that the ALAC… | Recs addressed | Status |
Establish a Working Group (WG) to ensure that the At-Large information already available is organized properly and easily accessible by end users. | 3 In progress | Establishment of WG to be put on hold pending completion of ICANN website revamp and At-Large wiki portal for outreach |
Introduce to the ALSes selected information-dissemination, communication and collaboration tools (such as Posterous, Twitter Twibes, mobile-device compatibility) and provide training. | 3, 7 | In progress |
Promote further use of the At-Large Calendar to the ALSes. | 3 | In progress |
Create and distribute a brief orientation/instruction package about the information-dissemination, communication and collaboration tools introduced to the ALSes. (TheALS Starter Kit already includes some of this information.) | 3 In progress | ALS Starter Kits is completed. Beginner's Guide on Participating in At-Large to be completed by CR Meeting) |
Recommendation 4: Educating and engaging the ALSes should be an immediate priority; compliance should be a longer-term goal.