- Providing advice on policy;
- Providing input into ICANN operations and structure;
- As part of ICANN’s accountability mechanisms; and
- As an organizing mechanism for some of ICANN’s outreach.
||The WTs propose that the ALAC…
|Recs addressed
Submit to the Board the following revision to ICANN Bylaws XI.2.4.a, drafted in collaboration with Legal:
See details in Full Version of table at https://community.icann.org/x/HgTPAQ.1,10, 11
Submit to the Board the following revisions to ICANN Bylaws XI.2.4.j, drafted in collaboration with Legal:
See details in Full Version of table at https://community.icann.org/x/HgTPAQ.1, 11
Form a Working Group (WG) to conduct a complete review of the ALAC’s Rules of Procedure.
See details in Full Version of table at https://community.icann.org/x/HgTPAQ.1
Must begin
The WTs propose that the ALAC… | Recs addressed | Status | |
Establish the ICANN Academy, an annual training program for new At-Large ALS members, modeled after aspects of the ICANN Fellowship and Diplo Foundation. | 4 | In progress | |
Establish an engagement program for existing At-Large ALS members, to be conducted year-round and modeled after certain aspects of the Diplo Foundation (specifically, this is the [At-Large Capacity Building | [https://community.icann.org/display/AFRALO/Capacity+Building\ ] ] to begin in Dakar in Oct 2011). | 4 | In progress |
Make available to each ALS a Confluence page for two-way communication with ICANN (for example, see AFRALO ALS Confluence pages). | 4 | Completed | |
Make available to each ALS the use of an Adobe Connect Room for meetings, etc. (for example, see AFRALO ALS Adobe Connect Room). | 4 | Completed | |
Request that selected At-Large members be funded to attend non-ICANN meetings (e.g., the IGF, the Consumer Electronics Show (CES), etc.). | 4 | In progress | |
Request that the ALAC be invited and funded to participate in all outreach programs launched by ICANN (including the New gTLD Program outreach road show). | 4 | Must begin | |
Invite potential At-Large members from countries currently without any ALS to a series of outreach teleconferences aimed at reaching the goal of having at least one ALS in every country. | 4 | Must begin | |
Recommend that each RALO start an individual member program. | 4 | In progress | |
Continue collaborating with ICANN Communications on Beginner’s Guides devoted to topics relevant to At-Large. | 4 | In progress | |
Recommend to the RALOs that they formalize their outreach/“inreach” role in whatever way each finds appropriate (e.g., by including in their Rules of Procedure). | 4 | In progress | |
Increase significantly the ALAC’s creation of “inreach” materials aimed at leadership engagement and development throughout At-Large (including brochures, radio programs, podcasts, webinars, and online videos). | 4 | In progress | |
Create job descriptions for ALAC members, liaisons and other At-Large leaders that include qualification requirements, responsibilities and objective criteria for performance evaluation. | 4 | In progress | |
Create and implement a transparent sanctions process for nonperformance of ALAC, RALO and ALS members. | 4 | In progress | |
Create, in collaboration with ICANN’s Nominating Committee (NomCom), a process for the midterm replacement both of NomCom appointments to the ALAC and of ALAC appointments to the NomCom. | 4 | Must begin |