Adobe Connect Chatroom: http://icann.adobeconnect.com/workteamc2011/
WT C AGENDA: 02 March 2011
1. Roll call – 2 5 min
2. Review of AIs from 02 16 Feb 2011 meeting -- Co-Chairs, 5 min.
a) Seth to ask ICANN Legal if WT C still needs to work on implementation of Recommendation task 5.3.1 (ALAC and staff should develop an annual support agreement).
- Completed. See input from staff (Samantha Eisner and Olof Nordling).
b) Dev to make discussed changes to the three WT C process diagrams.
- Completed.
c) Seth to put onto agenda for next meeting: SWOT contributions from RALOs.
- Completed.
3. New process diagrams for WT C recommendations – Dev, 15 Reminder of AI from ALAC meeting: ALAC F&B Subcommittee to draft ALAC comment on Proposed Framework for FY2012 Operating Plan and Budget. (Public comment period closes 4 April.) – Co-Chairs, 5 min.
- See public comment details: http://icann.org/en/public-comment/#op-budget-fy2012
- Would WT C like to work with F&B Subcommittee on this?
4. Review of process diagrams (as presented in ALAC meeting) – Dev, 5-10 min.
- See: Before Strategy and Budget_ver 1v2 draft
4. Determination of WT C’s next steps: Based simply on a review of subtasks under Rec. 6 (note: Rec. 5 done last meeting) -- Current Strategic Planning (as of FY12)_v2 draft
Current Budget Planning (as of FY12) v2 draft
5. RALO input into SWOT analyses and next steps – Co-Chairs, 15 min.
- For example, process diagrams for strategic & financial planning
- See WT C At-Large Simplified Improvements Outline
5. Determination of WT C’s next steps: Based on matching (“mapping”) of SWOT points thus far (i.e., those contributed to SWOTs by WT C itself) to individual Rec. 5 & 6 subtasks – Co-Chairs, 15 min.
- Alternatively, WT might want to wait for RALO input and do all together.
- AFRALO's ALS input into SWOT analyses: Nothing added to tables; agreed to WT C’s points already included.
- APRALO's ALS input into SWOT analyses: Nothing yet added to tables; SWOT coordinator (Fouad) going to follow up with ALSes.
- EURALO's ALS input into SWOT analyses: Nothing added to tables; agree to WT C’s points already included (also discussed ranking them, but has not done so yet).
- LACRALO's ALS input into SWOT analyses: Added points of its own.
- NARALO's ALS input into SWOT analyses: Added points of its own.
Reference: WT C At-Large Simplified Improvements Outline.
6. Any . Next steps in creating proposal list/presentation for ALAC in SF (Sunday, 13 March) – Co-Chairs, 10 min.
7. Any other business -- Co-Chairs, 5 min
78. Confirmation of next meeting: Wed, 2 Mar In San Francisco, on Wednesday, 16 March 2011, at 1911:00 UTC a.m. PST – Co-Chairs, 2 5 min