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Annalisa Roger:                       So let's begin I guess here with the-  I'm looking at the standing agenda items, we've just done roll call, and review of the action items from our last meeting of December 8th and 15th meetings.  So Fouad, do you have an agenda in front of you?

Fouad Bajwa:                          No, but have reviewed it online, I've read it once, right, I'll be-  I'll be in line with the (inaudible 0:00:38).

Annalisa Roger:                       Okay, I'm sorry, it just disappeared, hold on one second.  Here we are.  Okay number three-  Item number three is continue discussion of Sandra's proposal regarding recommendation number four and this took place in Cartagena, that was the ALS education and engagement. 

Fouad, why don't you speak about that, since I actually had to leave that meeting part way through, but we had a good start with- 

Fouad Bajwa:                          Yes, the proposal from Sandra on this topic is that we adopt some form of capacity building program or awareness raising programs so that when new people join in within ALAC or the existing ALS’s, or the leaders or the newcomers to ICANN – the users basically - there should be some form of capacity building for them.  

So there are three level of proposals in this. The first level of proposal is that we adopt a long-term program-  Excuse me, not long-term but span the work over a month, which follows the format of DiploFoundation’s Internet Governance capacity building program, or it follows one of the European summer schools’ format.  So that is a broad proposal. 

On the second level there is a proposal to use the spaces available within the ICANN meeting schedule, public meeting schedule; for example, the example quoted in this case was the capacity building activity done by ICANN for the New gTLD Program where there was sort of a quite an interesting format put up by the ICANN people, which involved two people playing character roles and introducing the different concepts of gTLDs - introduction to the gTLDs.  

And they had performed an act, sort of an act, and it was really welcomed and really appreciated by the participants and mostly newcomers to the ICANN public meetings.  So one idea was to use that kind of an approach from ALAC to introduce people to the tempo and the most complex issues within ICANN. 

And the third level proposal was to sort of document these and have them available online, and support the (inaudible 0:03:20) initiative by ICANN; and at the same time produce some form of documents.  For example we have one document already being used by ICANN, prepared by ALAC about Introduction to Domain Names.  So that kind of opportunity also exists. 

So these are the three level of proposals within the capacity building and awareness raising activity. I think I do some great degree of what Sandra had Wolf had proposed.  Thank you.

Annalisa Roger:                       Thank you, Fouad.  And also Fouad, I know there was a little discussion about a presentation or a PowerPoint to be made that was similar to what your presentation just was verbally.  Is there any follow up on that?

Fouad Bajwa:                          The PowerPoint which is about the awareness raising of ALAC?  Introduction to ALAC?

Annalisa Roger:                       No, a PowerPoint about-  Or am I jumping the gun here?  Was there going to be possibly a group working on a PowerPoint describing what you just described?

Fouad Bajwa:                          Oh, yes.  Oh, yes.  Sandra was going to put this together and do a small PowerPoint presentation which she had distributed on to the list.  And I think we have a copy of that on the Improvements B Work Team list.

Annalisa Roger:                       The Google- 

Fouad Bajwa:                          I think she-  No, the meeting list of our Work Team.

Annalisa Roger:                       Oh, okay.

Fouad Bajwa:                          She sent an email on that, and I think she can distribute that again.

Annalisa Roger:                       Okay.  Thank you. 

Fouad Bajwa:                          Seth, can you say something on that?

Seth Greene:                            Yes, sure, Fouad.  The presentation by Sandra is on the work space, the Work Team's work space, and I'd happy to of course send it around again, if people would like.

Annalisa Roger:                       Yes, can you please do that, Seth, it would be helpful.

Seth Greene:                            Sure, no problem, Annalisa.  If I may say one other thing, Annalisa, Heidi and I were discussing this in terms of the budget for 2011, and unfortunately it looks like for this capacity building proposal, there probably will not be budget in 2011. 

The suggestion now is that the Work Team consider proposing this to start with the AGM in Africa, which would be school year 2012, so that it would go on at the same meeting for LOGA.  I just wanted to make the Work Team aware of that.

Annalisa Roger:                       Okay.  So we're one year out for budgeting purposes.

Seth Greene:                            Yeah.

Annalisa Roger:                       Okay.  Would anybody like to make a comment on the presentation Fouad just gave us?  Okay, well thank you Fouad.  I-  Is that somebody who wants to say something.  Oh, Seth, do you have your hand up?

Seth Greene:                            Oh, I'm sorry, that was from my comment earlier.

Annalisa Roger:                       Okay.  Well, Fouad, thank you very much. 

Fouad Bajwa:                          You're welcome.

Annalisa Roger:                       I think are we-  Are we wanting to-   Maybe everybody should look at that presentation and then we should make an action item to get response from people.  I'm not sure if people have actually seen it on the list.

Fouad Bajwa:                          Annalisa, can I say something?

Annalisa Roger:                       Yes, please.

Fouad Bajwa:                          I think we should have the recommendation-  Against the recommendation, we can have this as a proposed item, so that once-  Even though our team's work, when the task complete, the proposed item goes into consideration by ALAC, so that it can be dealt with the African AGM.  So I think we should add it, include it as a proposed item.

Annalisa Roger:                       Okay.  So is the protocol, should we vote right now if we should propose the item?  Is there anybody against proposing this item for recommendation?  And I don't see any responses… Oh Cheryl, yes please.  Oh, Cheryl is in agreement.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              Just agreeing with the proposal.

Annalisa Roger:                       Okay.  Okay.  So we have no disagreement, so Seth, if you don't mind, or Seth, can we put that down as a proposal please?

And moving to number four, continue discussion of proposed AC rooms for ALS’s and their use.  Okay, I'm not sure-  is there somebody that wants to speak on that?  I'm sure what AC room.

Dev Teelucksingh:                  Adobe Connect rooms.  This is Dev.

Annalisa Roger:                       Oh, okay.  Okay, right, so there was discussion last time about providing AC room for Adobe Connect.  And in fact San Francisco Bay-  I don't, where-  So speaking for San Francisco Bay, since I'm involved in that ALS, we have our meeting tomorrow.  So I actually have no news for that.  But I'm fairly sure that we will be requesting an AC room from ICANN, Seth, but I don't-  I can't report on how that process goes. 

What I will do is take that up with our Board meeting which is scheduled for tomorrow, and if everybody is positive about that, the channel is to go through Heidi, if I remember right.  Is that correct, Seth, do you remember?

Seth Greene:                            Yes, that's correct, Annalisa.  And again, if I could just add one point.  In talking to Heidi, we were discussing-  We were discussing what the ALS’s would use the AC rooms for, and while the group had talked about what it didn't want them to use it for, you know obviously personal issues, personal discussions, etc.; there wasn't a lot of discussion on what the actual-  the ALS’s would use the AC rooms for. 

So that was why the item is on the agenda again, if we could just talk for a moment, if you don't mind, about what the ALS’s would use it for, that would be helpful and Heidi is talking to the people within ICANN about it.

Annalisa Roger:                       Okay yes, thank you, Seth.  Well, once again our next board meeting for San Francisco Bay ISOC ALS is scheduled for tomorrow.  We haven't had one since the Cartagena meeting.  I do remember there was at least one ALS in the room in Cartagena that suggested they may also be interested.  Is somebody on the line that represents that ALS?  I can't remember who it was.  Gordon?

Gordon Chillcott:                    I can't remember whether I mentioned it during that meeting or not.  I have been trying to get a slot to get to my ALS Board Meeting to discuss this and we didn't have one last month.  So our next Board Meeting is on the 24th, I remember correctly.  I'll be taking it up with them there, and the use to which we would put such a room is probably going to be on the agenda, and I get that from informal discussions with some of the people that I've had since then.

Annalisa Roger:                       Okay.

Gordon Chillcott:                    There is some interest, they're I believe scratching their heads over it, so I want to see if I can't get something a little bit firmer from them on the 24th, if that's possible.

Annalisa Roger:                       Yes.

Gordon Chillcott:                    And it may actually go to the general membership which would be another two weeks.  So things do travel slowly in our ALS but it is under consideration.

Annalisa Roger:                       Okay.  Thank you, Gordon, that's helpful.  And speaking for myself, I will have more information at the next working team B meeting also.  Does anybody on the call have any suggestions that they would like to offer for uses for the AC room.  Cheryl?

Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              This time it really is (inaudible 0:12:05) to speak, not that I’m disagreeing with the proposal.  Thank you, Annalisa.

Annalisa Roger:                       Thank you, Cheryl; I'm looking forward to your comment.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              I would have thought a statement along the lines of "ALS’s will utilize the facilities of the entire ICANN for an Adobe Connect room for bona fide purpose involved in the fulfillment of their duties as At-Large structures."  End of sentence.

Annalisa Roger:                       Ah-ha, okay and I'm writing that down.  Seth, did you grab that note?

Seth Greene:                            Yes.  Thanks, Annalisa.

Annalisa Roger:                       That sounds good to me.  Let's see I've got an agreement from Devon, any other comments or any other ideas?  I have agreement from Gordon.  So Seth, is it possible to move forward on this if there's no objection to Cheryl's suggestion that a statement going back to ICANN would be:  ALS will utilize the facilities for their bona fide purposes of acting as At-Large structures.

Seth Greene:                            Yes, absolutely.  I think Heidi's already moved ahead on it, within ICANN but simply was asked-  Was being asked about what the use would be.  Whether or not, that's going to be responded to with the comment of well could you give a list of what those bona fide functions are- 

Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              Well, then we'll send them to the MOUs with the RALOs and their own bloody bylaws, won't we? 

Seth Greene:                            I would think so, Cheryl, yes.

Annalisa Roger:                       So it's going to have-  Then it's going to be different for all five regions and I'm not sure that's appropriate.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              No, it's-  It isn't.  It is fixed in the ICANN bylaws and in the agreement that the ALS’s make when they become At-Large structures that are accredited that there is no wiggle room for ICANN.

Annalisa Roger:                       Okay, so Seth, can you dig into those bylaws there and grab those rules right out of ICANN's writing and use that?

Seth Greene:                            Yes.

Annalisa Roger:                       Okay, so we'll put that as an action item and a follow up for Heidi with ICANN to use what's written right there in ICANN's bylaws in terms of description of what the purposes are of ALS’s.  And those will be the reasons that ALS’s will use the Adobe Connect room.  Do I have any objection to that?  Okay, so no objection. 

So let's move forward on the next which is number five.  The working team meeting in San Francisco.  Okay, Fouad do you have any thoughts on that?

Fouad Bajwa:                          I think that's going to be scheduled through (inaudible 0:15:09) coordination on the meeting issue, because they will have to have a time that’s not on anything that day.

Annalisa Roger:                       Okay.  So Seth, go ahead please?

Seth Greene:                            Yes, I just want to confirm with the Work Team that in fact it does want to have a meeting in San Francisco.  At that point March will be very close to the end of the improvement project of course, and hopefully the bulk for the-  The enormous bulk of the work of Work Team B will be done by then. 

And basically we're just confirming that all the Work Teams including Work Team B want to actually have individual meetings for the ALAC and regional leadership wrap ups.  So the meeting would probably be on either Tuesday or Wednesday in San Francisco for Work Team B.  So can we just say-  If we could confirm that, I would appreciate it?

Annalisa Roger:                       Okay.  My one comment would be the earlier in the week, while it's maybe a busier time, but that would be the better for working team B, especially if we're going to convene again as-  With all the teams if I'm-  Am I understanding that right, Work Team B would meet and then later ALAC would discuss all of the completions from all the teams?

Seth Greene:                            Yes.

Annalisa Roger:                       Okay.  So I would say Tuesday would be the best.  Is there anybody who wants to comment on that?  And Seth maybe we don't have a choice, but if we did, I think Tuesday is best, but I understand that it might have to be Wednesday, is that what you're trying to tell us.

Seth Greene:                            Sure, yes.

Annalisa Roger:                       Okay.  So let's see if we can't agree to that.  Are there any objections to actually meeting face-to-face prior to the completion of the work at the March ICANN meeting Tuesday or Wednesday as Seth can schedule?  Any objections?  Okay, boom.  So go ahead please Seth and see what you can do with the schedule.

Seth Greene:                            Sure.  Thanks very much, Annalisa.

Annalisa Roger:                       Okay.  So number six, planning of working team's next steps and assignments.  So I guess we should pull up our outline and is that the link that you have there in the lower left-hand corner?

Seth Greene:                            Yes, that's right.

Annalisa Roger:                       Okay.  Now, let's see I'm never quite sure where to start on this outline, because I know now that it's definitely larger than what we can cover in the remaining time of the call.  Does anybody on the call want to speak to a specific topic and we could start with that one first. 

Okay, Seth, let me ask you, do you have a suggestion as to where on this outline we should begin our discussion or what we should cover?

Seth Greene:                            Actually no, I think that-  I guess I'm a bit of a systematic thinker, so I would have started at the top probably, but you're right, there's not enough time no doubt, so you might want to be selective as you're saying.

Annalisa Roger:                       Yes, okay, I actually, okay, there the outline just came up for me.  So you know I don't know where to start, so why don't we-  Let's see I guess we'll start in the middle, we're not going to finish, so is there-  this is the mystery, Fouad, can you help me here, I've started from the beginning and not finished, I've started from the end and gone backwards and not finished.  You know and if we're supposed to finish all of our work by the next, by March, you know, I don't know what to do.

Fouad Bajwa:                          Can you just read out just like the headings or the main subjects or the topics?

Annalisa Roger:                       Yes, okay.  So number three is the ALS RALO ALAC structure.  Recommendation number four is educate and engage ALS’s, which is similar to what Sandra's proposal was.  Recommendation number seven is collaborative tool.  I guess the Adobe Connect room is one of those tools, one of the many.  Recommendation nine is the ICANN translation interpretation.

Fouad Bajwa:                          Mm-hmm.  Well, can I give some comments on these?

Annalisa Roger:                       Does anybody on the call want to comment?  Oh, go ahead Fouad.

Fouad Bajwa:                          Yes.  Well, number one thing is that regarding the awareness-  I'm just going to go through them randomly, without any order.

Annalisa Roger:                       Okay, thanks.

Fouad Bajwa:                          The capacity building part is going to be with the awareness raising part.  It’s going to be covered as a proposed item, right, which we'll have rule on, and the other as part of the proposed idea within that recommendation. 

The next thing is the collaborative tool that I want to discuss.  With regards to the collaborative tools, number one was to give all the ALS’s their Confluence webpage, so that we can maintain and sort of an informational entry, for the knowledge management space for all the ALS’s.  And that would be an activity which we will have to soon begin.  We'll have to find a possible way of how to lead this and how to engage the RALO’s to actually go about that. 

And at the same time we have the opportunity of using some form of proposed tool which can consolidate the various social media tools, so that we can bring all the RSS feeds and news from the radius ALS’s onto a single space where we can use some form of tools to update all of our sites and Twitters and so forth. 

So Cheryl and Dev actually had a proposal for using Posteris, which is a very good tool to consolidate your social media conversations from one interface onto many social media groups.  And we have similar suggestions like those. I think those are already in effect, Dev can confirm after I've completed. 

Regarding the (inaudible 0:22:41), I think we had an agenda discussion about the issue of (inaudible 0:22:45). I think someone-  one of our members of the team can also share the details on that.  And what was the first recommendation?

Annalisa Roger:                       ALS/RALO/ALAC structure.

Fouad Bajwa:                          Exactly.  I think I should request maybe Cheryl to share some comments on this.  Cheryl?

Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              Okay.  I was about to put my hand up anyway.  So we can do it in reverse order, if you wish.

Fouad Bajwa:                          I know, I went upside down.

Annalisa Roger:                       And then maybe Cheryl could also tell us about the status of the Posteris proposal?

Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              Well, let me open up and go back to opening up the simplified list of what I want to talk about (inaudible 0:23:54) and sort of what we're doing.  Alright.  Looking in the first point which is direction three, the ALS/RALO/ALAC structure. 

We've done the survey and we've got a fair amount of information in there.  That report is still-  I mean the analysis has been done, but we haven't discussed that report.  I think we need to do that at our next meeting.

Annalisa Roger:                       Okay, can you put that as an action item for our next meeting, please, Seth?

Seth Greene:                            Yes, sure.

Annalisa Roger:                       Okay.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              We’ve had a number of opportunities discussing with ALAC and the regional leadership, both in Nairobi, Brussels and now albeit not as much as time as you wanted to, but there was least a toe in the water at the Cartagena meeting. 

But you probably need to now suggest that as a result of whatever we discuss in the ALS survey, that you throw the item 3.1.1 review of information flow, and any improvements to information dissemination to be discussed at the next-  I'm sorry to be finalized at the next ALAC and secretariat's meetings, they're two different meetings that will happen in San Francisco. 

The reason I'm suggesting you put those firm finish dates is because you really need to have some of the proposals being commented on and interactions going on with the ALS’s and the regions on your education program and your collaborative tool for that to be properly completed.

Annalisa Roger:                       So thank you for that, Cheryl.  Seth, do you have information or minutes that you can compile about points both of the survey and this other discussion, the educational discussion that Cheryl is just referring to that you could send to the list, so that we can prepare ourselves?

Seth Greene:                            No, I actually don't have those points, but they do exist out there.  I think there are members-  There are At-Large members responsible for each of those things, certainly the survey.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              I think we just need to collect our threads on that and perhaps focus a significant amount of our next meeting on the missing bits in terms of our own synthesis of what needs to go on for recommendation three.  Is that what you wanted from me, Fouad?

Fouad Bajwa:                          Well, yes, and at the same time I'm sorry, I've got confused because there were two items that I missed out.  Can I share those right now? 

The first item I want to share was that the comparison of the membership groups are (inaudible 0:27:16) leveled, so that we could find a synergy whereby we could find space for including individual members.  And based on RALO examples, we could use that as sort of an inclusion instrument for all RALOs to recruit individual members.  And the idea from APRALO that is in the discussion nowadays is the ALS incubation.  And Cheryl, you're already working with me on that.  

And the second item I wanted to discussion was the technology support group, or the Technology Task Force, we discussed during Cartagena meeting.  The idea of that was to have it in order to review alternating month basis.  We were thinking about doing that at a much lesser duration, like 12 months, to review all the technology tools every 12 months; and at the same time have two or three responsible (inaudible 0:28:13) members who would answer questions to members at any moment in time, either on Skype or through email, to help them get to speed with tools like Confluence, or if we adopt Posteris, get onto speed with that. 

So these are two ideas.  The first item I discussed was the membership rules, which falls into the first recommendation of the searches.  And the second proposal falls into the social media tools and the Confluence and so forth.  Thank you.

Annalisa Roger:                       Thank you, Fouad.  Fouad, will-  Yes.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              If I may, I’ve got a hand up as my own as well.

Annalisa Roger:                       Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't see that.  Go ahead, please, Cheryl.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              Fouad asked me to comment on recommendation three at the same time as I was putting up my own hand.  This is why I then had to hop to the other end of the improvement documents, because I was actually wanting to speak about recommendation nine.

Annalisa Roger:                       Oh, okay.  So let's do our full circle turn there and get back to the original recommendation, please go ahead.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              So I'm in agreement with what we've done on three.  During that intervention between myself and Fouad on all of the milestones and tasks, however, he did specifically ask me if I could talk about the Posteris.  I mean it's really a matter of setting an example of a collaboration tool that has recently also offered some additional services.  This fits very much into the technology of the Task Force that Fouad just mentioned, so again that's part of those threads that we probably need to try and pick up on; certainly before San Francisco, if not actually at San Francisco in the reporting to the whole of ALAC and regional leadership. 

But on recommendation nine, I think we've been given a little bit a burn with the specific comment and recommendations that have been put in by the ATRT, you will note in a number of the points on public participation and ability to interact and fully transparent and accountable, the Accountability and Transparency Review Team did refer to translation policy and indeed interpretation. 

But to some extent, I would like to suggest that this is a part of our milestones that may have grown beyond our control, thank heavens, because it really is now something that is going to be part of the DNA of ICANN.  The one thing that we might ask Heidi perhaps to fully check on, and that is the current status of what was up until last time I heard it was checked, still a draft translation policy for ICANN.  I'm convinced that the translation policy for ICANN has in fact been taken further than its public consultation status. 

                                    As it is in our notes, something the one that perhaps we could be acting on and acting on post haste and that's formally ask perhaps Heidi and Olivier to write to I guess perhaps Denise in terms of it being (inaudible 0:32:05) for accountability and transparency; and undoubtedly to Christina, and ask about the status of what was, still as far as I'm concerned, an uncompleted and therefore only being used by the niceties of seeing it as a good draft, but not being a firm policy of ICANN. 

I should also note here that most of these things particularly when we're looking at some of the comments that they've put into the recent strategic planning model documentation, are already growing beyond what is needed in draft.  For example, if memory serves the translation policy for ICANN does talk about the main UN languages and other languages as required, where the current strategic planning documentation for 2011 to 2014 is clearly adding specific languages beyond the five UN’s as being the normal standard set, such as Portuguese.

Seth Greene:                            Yes.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              I think we make just one action item on that and then I would say that one's fairly close to being ticked off.

Annalisa Roger:                       Okay, thank you, Cheryl.  So Seth, can we put that as an action item that Heidi follows through to track down that previous draft and bring us the update on where that is?

Seth Greene:                            Yes, absolutely, Annalisa, and when you get a chance if I may just add another comment. 

Annalisa Roger:                       Yes, please.  Go ahead Seth.

Seth Greene:                            Okay, thanks.  If I could make a suggestion to the Work Team at this point.  With the end of the work looming so close, perhaps the Work Team at this point would like to actually assign specific members to each of the recommendations to actually in between the time of our meeting look into them, write up whatever proposals are needed at this point, and actually push the work forward in a very concrete way, rather than just be a discussion during the meetings.  That might be a way of targeting the end of March to finish the work by then.  That would be, that's what I wanted to suggest, Annalisa.

Annalisa Roger:                       Okay.  Thanks, Seth.  Cheryl, did you want to comment again?

Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              Well, I understand Seth's desire to have someone take responsibility so someone can be blamed if it's not ticked off on time.  But we do have the Task Force and the recommendations, all of which are up and running.  I mean, are you asking for someone to physically just put in the update on the notes in milestone list or what? 

Because you know-  Alright we just assigned who, somebody to ask the (inaudible 0:35:22)  team if it's coming up by our staff.  It should be Matthias to ask Heidi and Olivier if they would follow up on the outstanding bits of recommendation nine.  I mean is that what you're asking for, Seth, or what?

Seth Greene:                            Well, no, of course not.  What I was asking for, for example, is you know, the groups talked about-  For example the groups talked about doing a list of recommended -  this is just an example - a list of recommended technologies.  I guess my view was that until someone actually is assigned to think about it and write down on a Confluences page a list of technologies that should be considered, it's actually not going to happen and not going to done. 

Now, perhaps I'm wrong, Cheryl, and you know I'm certainly open to that, but just as an example I thought that it would be useful for the Work Team to actually have people doing the work rather than-  rather certainly rather then getting blamed for having it not done.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              Seth, I hear what you're saying, but each of those were bad examples.  And also the one to do with recommendation four, there was a proposal for the Task Forces to be formed, i.e., a standing committee, for want of a better word that had appropriate people from each of the regions, that's an action that the ALAC actually has to put into play. 

I mean this Work Team really can only recommend to the ALAC how that can happen.  Those proposals, you know I mean you can put Fouad's name down next to one, and you know Dev's name down with that and Sandra and Dev on recommendation four.  They've been leading that in the Work Teams, but it- 

Annalisa Roger:                       Okay, so if I may, should we put a note in this outline here that Work Team B recommends setting up a new group for the-  to work on the collaborative tools, like Fouad had suggested.  I think Fouad had even discussed a time frame for this new group, and people would-  It would be recommended by us and then later if it was passed, it would enable people to volunteer for this group and to take an active role in providing technology support for ALS’s, if I understood that right.

Fouad Bajwa:                          Annalisa, can I say something?

Annalisa Roger:                       Oh yes, please go ahead, Fouad.

Fouad Bajwa:                          I would like to add to what Cheryl just said and what you just shared as a recommendation, and recommend on what Seth was saying.  My basic understanding is that what we're doing right now is we're proposing, making some proposals which will then be passed onto ALAC for approval.  So what we can do at this stage is, like Cheryl just added, that we give the proposals for the formation of, for example, the Task Force or what I said was technology for the collaborative tools - the Technology Task Force, right, to also do recommendation and so forth. 

The second thing is that with regards to recommendation number one, which is about the other structures and so forth, these proposals have to come as workable items or what you call it, say agenda items or anything workable so that-  Because on the first one we have we need all the inreach and outreach managers or the volunteers from all the others to work together in order to implement the proposals.  So this is something which is very necessary, that we propose possible groups which have been passed onto ALAC for approval, because otherwise it goes beyond the scope of our Work Team with regard to recommendations. 

The kind of things we're dealing with are very core things which are like process-oriented things.  And when we're dealing with them, we have to take on record the people who are willing to contribute to those; while at the same time we'll have to run some more, a small campaign, an in-house campaign within ALAC to recruit more members, because we'll need a good amount of people participating.  And this is what I was also thinking in terms of the broader RALO activities as well, that in order to engage in the ALS’s they also have to be part of what we're recommending. 

So this is something which is already core process-oriented thing and this should come from ALAC, so what we should do at this stage is just make the proposals and show our willingness that we would like to participate in this activity.  And then later on as ALAC approves these, they will join in on the teams and do those, achieve those milestones and then have result.  Thank you.

Annalisa Roger:                       Thank you, Fouad.  Is that clear, Seth?

Seth Greene:                            I didn't actually hear all of it.  If you could just Annalisa, if you could just repeat that briefly, I would appreciate it.

Annalisa Roger:                       Okay, and Fouad, correct me if I'm wrong, but these recommendations that Fouad and Cheryl have been sharing with us today are proposals that, helpful proposals that ALAC must approve, and these are proposals that can come from working team B, and once it goes through the ALAC process; then working team B can stand behind those, those of us who are able and willing can further volunteer for any approved processes, but what we must do is get more support, grow the participation from the ALS’s, and get new member involved in these proposals.

Seth Greene:                            Thank you, Annalisa.

Annalisa Roger:                       Okay.  Oh, Olivier has his hand up.  It would be nice to hear from you Olivier, go ahead.

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Thanks very much, Annalisa, can you hear me?

Annalisa Roger:                       Yes, fabulous.

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Okay, because I changed my headset, the previous one was just cutting me off.  Just a quick one.  I just wanted to retreat what Cheryl said: if you want a separate group to be set up to follow up on all of the IT things, and choice of IT tools, then you can get it over to-  You know, get the proposal to us pretty quickly, and I think that we can probably turn that over pretty fast. 

No question whether you want still the same-  Is it the same people from this group that will pursue the work, or are you looking at more people, or new people joining that?

Annalisa Roger:                       Yes, a combination Olivier, as it's brought to you and you, meaning ALAC; you're the new Chair of ALAC.

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Yes.

Annalisa Roger:                       As it's brought to you and hopefully approved, then you know sure, we would welcome any participation from other members that I think a big part of this is that we need to grow new participation from the ALS’s and that's part of some of our other recommendations, recommendations also.  So hopefully we'll get some both, some new people and other people; is that correct- 

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          So personally I'd like for us to receive this as soon as possible, so we can act on it, and then you know continue the synergy.  I don't know about the rest of the ALAC, of course, we'll find out, but you know we're all with fingers on the buzzers, so we're listening, thanks.

Annalisa Roger:                       Okay.  Thank you, Olivier.  And so Seth, if you would be so kind as to put those couple of points down and send them to Fouad and I, we could just kind of look it over really quick and make sure that it's what-  matched what Fouad had said today. 

I don't see any objection from anybody in the group.  So we could finalize if that's okay with everybody.  Everybody in agreement?  No response is a yes response at this point.  So Seth, is that okay if you send us an email and Fouad can double check that it is what we intended.

Seth Greene:                            Sure, absolutely.  It's all, it will all be in the minutes.

Annalisa Roger:                       Okay, great.  And I'd like to add the note in the minutes just confirming what Olivier said that the sooner the better on this side, on bringing it to the ALAC group is the way we want to go.  Okay.  I see a note from Cheryl.  Cheryl is there-  Do you want to explain that note?  I'm not sure I understand that.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              Sure.

Annalisa Roger:                       Okay.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              I was just suggesting that of course if time gets short on the agenda for the ALAC, if time does not permit, then of course you can also ask Sandra, Dev those two are particularly pushing or connected spokesperson for each of the proposals could work directly with, and by that I mean on list, and perhaps even attend the teleconference with the executive committee of the ALAC to further all of this in a timely manner; mainly, because this crosses absolutely with Carlton's role as (crosstalk).  That fits in with a lot of what's being done, fits hand and glove as Sid knows very well, with the work that he holds in his portfolio for want of a better word.

Annalisa Roger:                       Okay, Dev, do you want to make a comment?

Dev Teelucksingh:                  Just that I agree with Cheryl, because you know it does cross with Carlton's rule as (inaudible 0:46:29) for ALAC, so maybe that's the-  And this will be faster, a faster way to get it going, you know.

Annalisa Roger:                       Okay, well I'm sure that we would all appreciate that.  Sandra's not on the call, but Fouad, is that okay with you?

Fouad Bajwa:                          Yes, I'm more than willing to go ahead with the proposal and I should be going to formulation, at the same time I would be-  I'll also be putting out the possibility of getting more people involved with this, but I think we should go ahead with the recommendation, because we already got the first support or the first pat on the back by Olivier.  So I think we're already on the road with this.  Thank you.

Annalisa Roger:                       Okay, and Dev and Fouad do you guys need to schedule a conference, do you need assistance with scheduling an additional conference.

Dev Teelucksingh:                  Well, this is Dev, I mean we can collaborate on Skype for other; I have no problem with that.

Fouad Bajwa:                          Yeah, yeah, fully agree with it.

Annalisa Roger:                       Cheryl was suggested with the ExCom of ALAC.

[background conversation]

Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              It’s most important to have a big green check from the chair of the ALAC.  I just saw Olivier had a big green teacup next to his name, that was the whole thing.

Annalisa Roger:                       Yes, Olivier was in agreement there.  Thank you for that.

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Absolutely!

Annalisa Roger:                       Okay.  So we've got that Seth; that will be in the minutes then too?

Seth Greene:                            Yes.

Annalisa Roger:                       Okay.  So let's see-  Oh, okay before I conclude number six, I want to just go back for a second about what Cheryl returned-  Cheryl referred to as threads, we were-  We had a discussion of some of these recommendations and some (crosstalk) 

I'm sorry, okay, some of these steps forward, but she had mentioned that maybe we should get some of these threads put together, so that it's a little more cohesive before the next meeting; and Seth, are you clear on what those threads may have been?  Is that going to be in our minutes?  It sounds like some of these pieces of information may be in different locations and maybe not as comprehensive or easy to access for all of us if it's in that format.

Seth Greene:                            Well, obviously the ones that were discussed in this meeting will be in these minutes.  The other threads are I guess by the nature of being threads are dispersed throughout the past minutes of the various meetings, and they're all available of course on the confluence page.

Annalisa Roger:                       Okay, so Cheryl, can you help me out here, just to name the couple of things that we need to look for?

Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              I raised my hand at the same time as you- 

Annalisa Roger:                       Okay, there you are, okay.  Go ahead please, Cheryl.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              I was just going to point out you also did a whole lot of drawing together of threads in preparation of your presentation, which unfortunately did not have a full run in the Cartagena meetings.  So perhaps posting parts thereof from that presentation that our co-chairs from this Work Team put together onto the Wiki page, will also be a mechanism of showing some of the threads being pulled together and then we can add on additional bits and pieces from, for example, today's meeting.

Annalisa Roger:                       Okay.  And then perhaps the one that Sandra's working on and information about the Posteris tools- 

Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              Those three are in the same space. I mean the latest thing from Posteris I just sent to the list, because it was a link for you all to go and have a look at.  That's exactly the sort of link that in a perfect world, if the proposal goes through, that the Technology Team will be looking at, discussing amongst themselves; saying if it does or does not have the robustness.

In this case, I'm confident it does have the robustness to meet the needs of a multilingual and global use.  You know, get a few checklists put up; you know, is it open source, yes or no, blah, blah, blah.  And then it would be encouraged to be used or piloted.  that’s the type of process that I would have envisaged when we get a little bit further in this proposal that we discussed in Cartagena, and I'm assuming that it's along similar lines to what Fouad had in mind when we were talking.  I didn't-  We didn't get down to those details in Cartagena, but you know just a few checklists, you know what you could do naturally, I propose is what I'm saying.

Annalisa Roger:                       Okay.  So can Seth put these things on our page?  I think we have a web, is it-  I'm actually still not even- 

Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              Any of us can put anything we like on our page, that's the whole thing about Wikis you know.

Annalisa Roger:                       Okay, can that-  Can that link be sent out again, the Wiki where we're supposed to put our stuff?  And then-  I'm not-  I guess what I'm saying I have this PowerPoint; I would like to put that up there.  I'm not sure where to put it and how to put it.  But if that link could be send out again of where these things need to go, I'd like to make that an action item, that everybody go there and put a bunch of stuff in one spot, because trying to sift through old lists, email lists and even old agendas, minutes lists, it's not very time effective, and I think that's the point of having a page. 

Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              It's the reason I hate things only even going on email, is that we control back to our files as I'm currently doing back to 2007.  It's absolutely ridiculous.  I'll put the link for the main place.  It probably needs to be a child page off this link.

Annalisa Roger:                       Okay.  And then- 

Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              It's in there now.  Fouad's line has unfortunately dropped, but of course he is also quite experienced in the wonderful world of Confluence Wiki, and I'm confident he'd able to (inaudible 0:53:23) putting up the PowerPoint and indeed making a repository appropriate off that page, and then just putting it up.  But yes, you're right; the whole point of a Wiki is to make things far more accessible.

Annalisa Roger:                       Yes, so let's put an action item that Seth, you send out the Wiki link, throw anything on there that you have including today's minutes, Cheryl will do the same, I'll do what I can, and I think if we just start out that the first thing that gets sent out after this call is that Wiki link, I think that would be very helpful.  Seth has his hand up, yes go ahead.

Seth Greene:                            Annalisa?  Thanks Annalisa.  I'm actually very happy to able to say that everything we've discussed today including Sandra's presentation, including the presentation, the co-chair presentation in Cartagena is all on the Wiki page already.

Annalisa Roger:                       Oh, fabulous.

Seth Greene:                            And if you-  If whenever, when you get to the-  I'm certainly happy to send the link out, I think most of us know it already, but when you get the link if you just read through it, it's actually all categorized with headings relating to the content. 

So you'll see a section for example on the Cartagena presentation, you'll see a section on technology tours and so on.  It's all up there, and obviously there's also a section for all the past meetings where you can get all of the minutes.  The only thing obviously not up there yet is today's minutes, and that will be up probably by tomorrow.

Annalisa Roger:                       Okay, okay, wonderful.  Well, please send the golden key, the link to that page, and please don't hesitate to send that out all the time, I mean make it part of your signature of something.  I mean, these links disappear and I-  I don't know about other people but- 

Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              Annalisa, we know you're link challenged. 

Annalisa Roger:                       I am so link challenged, I just-  I don't get it.  Anyway, yeah, if I can find the door, I have no problem navigating in the room, but it's getting there and remembering that there is a place to get there.  I want everybody to have full access, because maybe there's people that are just shy about asking, I don't know.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              Can I just say, one of these things, and it does go to the collaboration tools discussion, if I may: the fact that now, except for a few little hiccups the end of last calendar year, that I've noticed the current meetings will be challenging (inaudible 0:56:03).  Somehow I haven't found any at all calendar entries in the At-Large calendar that do not have the appropriate Wiki Confluence page linked; and indeed the Adobe Connect room and a whole lot of other really good information.  

So one of the things that we can start doing is getting people to utilize the benefits of having an iCalendar system which can send out, you know, text messages to your mobile phone with those live links, into your whatever mechanism you use for reminders. 

And that would mean, for example, I mean the reason I know how fast I can get to that link is every time the meeting's on, that link lies in my calendar reminder.  And there the sorts of things that I think will help (inaudible 0:56:58) the ALS individual members as well.

Annalisa Roger:                       Yes, that's absolutely essential and Cheryl had mentioned this to me before on a private side that she's able to sync with the ALAC calendar, and I was thinking that makes so much sense and I didn't know where is this ALAC calendar.  So like I actually need to get the link of that, and then I could probably take it from there.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              That's my suggestion and I noticed Olivier, embarrassing, going to me, too.  I sat down and did an in-service with him at Cartagena.  But perhaps Olivier on the Sunday agenda, in San Francisco, perhaps going back to basics and taking your ALAC and regional leadership people through some of the skill sets and opportunities for making their lives easier that we have in place, which are being underused by or underutilized by a few of us, could be a very worthwhile 45 minutes or so. 

I'd certainly be happy to speak and I think Evan might on the ground there, too. I'd be happy to send it to them, show my calendar lot and show people how easy it is to get one's life connected to one's ALAC world and the At-Large world.

Annalisa Roger:                       So I see an agreement from Olivier to Cheryl's comment.  Thank you both.  Is there any other business going-  I'm moving on to number seven.  Any other business that needs to be discussed today?

Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              I haven't put my hand up, but I had one little piece.  It was actually carry over business that was informally reported on (inaudible 0:58:46) some other minutes- 

Annalisa Roger:                       Cheryl, we're losing the audio with you.  Can you speak a little bit louder or closer?

Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              Alright.  I'll do my best, you know it's three minutes past one in the morning and I'd rather not yell in the middle of my house.  But that aside, one of the open action items I suppose you'd call it was to check on Twibes.  I have exhausted every possible search tool that would look in the wonderful world of Twibes, the only live Twibe I can see is the ICANN Twibe which most of us, Annalisa, you, I and a whole of others are all on, there’s only 43 of us on but it goes more generally into ICANN world.  

So of the Twibes that I did set up originally, only the ICANN one has had activity on it, and has been kept alive.  So that means that there is absolutely no reason and no impediments for us to set up whatever Twibe system, so that's group tweeting and things like [Disperis] and other things, we’ll fade into those as well.

And just as an aside and relevant to today's activities to see a huge amount of tweet traffic and interaction, also with Facebook material that has gone on in the last 24 hours with the devastation, floods in Australia here has been quite phenomenal, where we've got mixed-up things happening.  You know, wrong information being sent out to public being immediately counted, and proper information and links being replaced, and quite literally for example lives of humans, if not animals being saved by using these tools effectively. 

I think it's certainly something that we should be able to exploit in the world of policy as well.  So we probably need to assign someone to own setting up those Twibes; but I would suggest that probably needs to be part of the ALAC decision making that we take to them.  They should probably decide what those Twibes are called to best fit the purpose of the review recommendations, which would probably be part seven and part four and part three.

Annalisa Roger:                       Thank you for that, Cheryl, and thank you for the inspiring, drawing that inspiring connection between you know, what the technology can do in the real world - certainly it can do things for policy.  Thank you.  Dev's got his hand up.

Dev Teelucksingh:                  Yes, thanks.  Yes, Cheryl, that's a quick clarification, because I was kind of researching this Twibes and I realized that Twitter now has this kind of something called Twitter List, which allows you, basically you can organize person's tweets into groups or lists.  I don't know if there's like an overlap in-  I don't know what the word is.  Is there overlap with what Twibes is and what this Twitter List is now doing?

Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              Twitter List is more generic.  So one, for example, if you're interested in things environmental you’re probably following things that are twitted at least that Annalisa puts out.  Yeah, because it's a dot green activities. 

A Twibe is categorized into subgroups and interests.  The link I just put was the one-  Oh, I haven't put because I haven't push send, now there it is.  The one that the ICANN Twibe connects to goes under the technology and in fact it's a subset of technology called internet, and so rank and file humans who happen to have tweet accounts could you know join that Twibe and that would be fine. 

That what you can do is subscribe whole groups or subsets of people and followers that you know, so for example you can have all of a RALO-  ALS members who have Twitter accounts in a XYZ RALO Twibe.  So anything that goes out through any of the social networking tool would go out to their individual tweet input.  It's a little bit different than the list.

Annalisa Roger:                       I'm sorry, I was almost interrupting there, but Cheryl, it does seem to be an obvious component to our outreach, yeah.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              Yes.

Annalisa Roger:                       Because the ALS’s-  We could encourage ALS’s to do that amongst themselves and then you know if there were a Twibe for each of the ALS’s, that could easily be assigned to the one RALO and then that comes back up to ALAC.

Dev Teelucksingh:                  I was just trying to find out a little bit more about the Twibes and was this Twitter List, because I mean I'm kind of set up like-  I need to set it for LACRALO, you know, unless there are other persons who are in LACRALO and so forth.  So I was looking at all the different technologies, but okay.  I will review the Twibes a little more.

Annalisa Roger:                       Okay.  And Seth, can I-  I'm look at the time, our call is I guess over right now, even though we did start late right? 

Seth Greene:                            Yes.

Annalisa Roger:                       It's a one-hour call.  Okay, so I just want to say on that last note if we could put in all of the-   If we could put these links and things that we've shared during this chat also on the Wiki, that would be really helpful.

Seth Greene:                            Yes, the chats are actually all listed along with the minutes, and the action items by meeting on the Wiki.  You'll see that.

Annalisa Roger:                       Oh, perfect, okay.

Seth Greene:                            You'll see that under the meeting, but it's by date Annalisa.

Annalisa Roger:                       Okay, okay perfect.

Seth Greene:                            You can just go to the work space, you'll see that.

Annalisa Roger:                       Okay, that sounds excellent; and let's talk about the next meeting time.  Wednesday, January 26th, same time, and I guess that's-  I guess we don't have to agree to it, I guess that's what it is, Wednesday, January 26th.  So for the next meeting, I think-  I think what we're going to want is everybody to have gone to the Wiki; and are there any comments about any other follow up for-  I mean, as co-chair I'm actually even confused as to you know we have just a few limited meetings before the one in San Francisco.  And I'm not even sure what we can do beyond all the proposals that we've put in today on this call.  So Seth, do you want to recommend something?  Go ahead.

Seth Greene:                            Yes.  Thanks, Annalisa.  I don't know if what I'm recommending is anything more than just the obvious, but you know my understanding is that discussing these topics and the desired proposals within our meeting is not submitting the proposal to the ALAC. 

I mean this is along the lines again I don't want to beat a dead horse, but this is along the lines of my thinking that perhaps a way the core group would like to proceed is by actually assigning people to these things.  I would think myself and again, I could certainly be wrong, or be in the minority, I would think that actual members of the Work Team would at some point need to take on the responsibility of writing up a proposal, whether it's one sentence or 20, and actually submitting them to the ALAC. 

I guess that would be done through staff, but the actual creation of proposals is needed and it's not the same as discussing them here in these meetings.  I guess my feeling is that the Work Team has discussed many, many things and it's come up with a lot of great ideas, but that where it's staff.

Annalisa Roger:                       Okay, how about if with the minutes of these meetings, Seth puts together specific, something a little separate from the minutes and specifically puts titles of these proposals that are discussed in the minutes, with bullet points of some of the points that were covered that are going to be part of those things, and we put it on the Wiki and we send out an email to this group list asking for people to review those minutes with those clearly delineated and defined proposals that we've discussed, and find out who wants to sign up for that stuff? 

And then we can, at our next meeting, those people can come forward and volunteer, but they'll know exactly in a clear sense what they're volunteering.  So that's one suggestion.  Go ahead, Cheryl.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              I was just going to follow on from what you were saying with perhaps something that will alleviate some of Seth's concerns. 

Can I propose that while Olivier is on the call, the co-chair is hopefully, it's my voice he'll be hearing, request that as this were obtained is at the point where a number of its proposals and outcomes needed to come to the ALAC, that Olivier decides and gets back to the Work Team through Annalisa and Fouad the mechanism and timing of an interaction specifically with either the ALAC end or its executive committee and representatives of proposals of these-  from this Work Team, so that they can be furthered and be taken through to the ALAC. 

That would mean you have at least got the names of the people that on are on this call, Fouad and Dev and Yaovi and Gordon and Elisa and Gerald.  And most of us would see probably two names next to each of the proposals.  That way at least you know if it's preparing notes for that meeting, or for that conference call or for whatever form it takes, it will get those things crystallized, which I think is what Seth is asking for.

Annalisa Roger:                       Thank you, thank you for that, Cheryl.  Does that make some sense to you Seth?

Seth Greene:                            Yes, it makes sense to me. 

Annalisa Roger:                       Okay.

Seth Greene:                            It's you know, more important- 

Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              Annalisa and Olivier, could I also suggest that you then on the advice of one of your vice chairs, become somewhat proactive and think about doing that with each of the Work Teams?

Annalisa Roger:                       I see agreement from Olivier.

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Yes, absolutely Cheryl.  In fact, well, the Work Team which I'm co-chairing with Tijani is starting to move forward as well, and I will definitely will mention it to the others as well.  We have to ask that.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              It's where we are up to with each of them, because of where we are in our time progress program.

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Yes.  Well, I'm planning to be on all the Work Team meetings in the next weeks, so I think we can repeat that point, and I know that you'll be in all of them as well, so we can actually also immediately even verbally say right away, get things moving and get the process going.

Annalisa Roger:                       Okay.  So Seth, is that clear for next steps on that issue, on your part in terms of the minutes of this meeting?

Seth Greene:                            Yes, yes.  Thank you, Annalisa.

Annalisa Roger:                       Okay, so then if I were to understand it right, and I may not have, by the next meeting, we will know who is working on which proposals?  Or are we doing that right now?

Seth Greene:                            Annalisa, are you talking to me?

Annalisa Roger:                       Yes, I guess, Seth, either you or Cheryl, because I was not-  I personally wasn't clear, but I'm happy everyone else is clear.  I'll just read the minutes.  But I think we have to end this call now.  So are there any last thoughts before we sign off?

Thank you, Olivier for attending our working meeting, and thank you everybody for being on the call, and Seth and Matthias and staff Gisella, thank you so much.  We'll see you at the next meeting.  And I'm looking forward to the Wiki link being sent out on the email list as soon as possible by somebody.  Okay.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              And (crosstalk) instant message her all the links we all need.  She's got them on her phone.

Annalisa Roger:                       That would be so nice, thank you.  I'll be in link heaven.  Okay.  Bye-bye everybody.

[End of Transcript]