•Regional Liaisons •RALO Comparison Page •Migration to Confluence •Translation and Interpretation processes. •Technology Review Schedule
ALS Confluence Pages can be their own web presence and act as a nexus for information exchange. Posterous - Diplo Foundation -- is an excellent educational opportunity – I know Wolf has more information about this, including a wonderful book that he brought with him to Cartegena to share. Multilingual orientation – Thank you Sebastien for recommending to list tools for orientation in regional languages. We ask our community (not just ICANN IT) to provide information and tools in their languages New Members – We are looking forward to welcoming new members with new ideas. Our regional liaisons will be happy to speak with you.
Established Regional Liaisons: “Comparison of RALO Participation/Membership Rules” – available as a wiki document AND a Google document Rec. 3: Ensuring unimpeded flow of information between the ALS-RALO-ALAC structure is vital for the success of education (task 4.1), engagement (task 4.2), and outreach, (task.4.3) as well as recruitment. Rec. 4: Educating and engaging the ALSes should be an immediate priority; compliance should be a longer-term goal. Rec. 7: Collaborative Tools; Alac should be allowed to make its own choices of communication and other collaborative tools to best meet its needs. – In choosing these tools, ALAC should take into account budgetary constraints and the technologies already used in other parts of the ICANN Community. Note: The implementation of all or most tasks under Recommendation 7 need to be a joint effort between At-Large and ICANN Rec. 9: ICANN should strengthen its translation and interpretation processes. --------------------------------------------- Accomplishments •Regional Liaisons have been elected to bring information to and from the RALOS •Comparison Page of RALO Participation Membership Rules has been established •Migration to Confluence •Recommendations to ICANN have been made re: strengthening its translation and interpretation processes. •Set a technology review schedule: We agreed that under rec 7. it makes sense to review available technologies on a set-18-month schedule
At-Large ImprovementsWT B - OverviewR3, R4, R7 & R9
Thursday, December 9, 2010Co-chairs: Annalisa Roger, NARALO
Fouad Bajwa, APRALOWT B
Accomplishments (partial list)R3, R4, R7 & R9•Regional Liaisons
•RALO Comparison Page
•Migration to Confluence
•Translation and Interpretation processes.
•Technology Review ScheduleEducation and Outreach-
learningDiplo Foundation and EUROSSIG style workshops and
GuidesPodcasts and Continued development of Introductory
-Suggest ICANN Orientation Course and Prototype
-ALS Confluence Pages for all ALS’s
-Multi-lingual orientation
Outreach --multiple mechanisms-Regional Showcases at ICANN
ICANN support (Adobe Room +) to ALAC – then to RALO’s
ALS Incubation Idea for individual members – NARALO ModelMeeting Support
Permanent Technology Orientation Task Force- Mobile device compatibility- Web 2.0 integration e.g, Posterous & Twitter on ConfluenceWT B
Rec 3: Remove any obstacles in ALS-RALO-ALAC structure
[Create proposals from: • ALS Survey identified relevant obstacles, such as in information flow •WT recommending ]
[Create proposals from: WT's Comparison of RALO Participation/Membership Rules, initially created in order to review differences in participation by non-ALS individuals]
Regional liaisons (beyond life of WT B)
Cross-regional committee deciding which policy issues warrant RALO comments (being prosposed by WT D)
Use of new communication/collaboration tools , incl. throughout At-Large, including:
- Confluence (ALAC rollout complete)
- ;
- Posterous;
- iEtherPad;
- Twitter Tweets (groups); and
- Mobile-device compatability (to be identified).
- Should this be under Rec. 3 or 7?
Offer of technology for ALSes' own use, including:
- Own Confluence pages as (a) Web presence and (b) two-way means of information exchange
- ; and
- Adobe Connect Rooms
- Should this be under Rec. 3 or 7?
Package of training and instruction materials for ALSes on communication/collaboration tools
- Should this be under Rec. 3 or 7?
Technology Task Force
[Any further proposal needed from: Improved ALS Representative Starter Kit soon to be available
•Instruction package for ALSes on communication/collaboration tools WT is recommending
Rec 4: ALS education and engagement
•ICANN’s [Any futher proposal(s) needed from: ICANN’s E-Learning Web Page up Page up & running •Series ]
[Any futher proposal(s) needed from: Series of At-Large and RALO Brochures completed •Partnerships ]
Development of new education/engagement materials, such as podcasts (Olivier in January recording a podcast on At-Large)
Make already-existing material easier to locate
Sandra Hoferichter’s PowerPoint presentation on capacity-building
Partnerships with outside education groups, incl. DiploFoundation
Make existing material easier to locate; form partnerships with identified educational groups
Training sessions modeled after DiploFoundation, EUROSSIG, and/or Summer Schools (?)
[Possible ideas (ask Annalisa): ALS incubation for individual members; NARALO-model meeting support]
Rec 7: ALAC should choose its own communication/collaboration tools
•Selection and review processplanned and being implemented •Periodic review on 18-month cycle under consideration
•Review further tools; decide on appropriate review cycle; create training materials for ALSes; involve ICANN ITPeriodic review of new technology every 18 or 12 months
[Proposals to come out of: WT's further review of technology tools]
Involve ICANN IT in aspects of Rec. 7 and related training of ALSes
Rec 9: ICANN should strengthen its translation/interpretation tools
•New Translation Policy to be introduced in 2-3 months •New translation tools being reviewed
•Identify improved translation tools; encourage RALOs to develop own translation policies[Proposals to come out of: WT's further review/identification of improved translation tools]
[Proposals to come out of: ICANN's new Language Services Policy]
RALOs' development of their own translation (language services) policies