Cheryl: We obviously need to discuss this further in a future meeting, perhaps in Cartagena. And, actually, there is much that we can report on in Cartagena, as well, geared toward building enthusiasm within the ALSes. For example, our new Confluence system allows us to offer every ALS its own page – an enormous step forward for ALSes without their own Web sites. It is a way for ALSes to market themselves and to communicate their opinions to us. We need to create enthusiasm in the ALSes. We need to remind the ALSes that it is not just up to the RALOs and ALAC to put in public comments, but that they should be doing so as well. I would like to revisit this topic as one on which WT B can claim a “quick win.” The Confluence pages are a tool that allows us to share information in a timely manner in both directions – a way of engaging the ALSes and of bringing information back to us from the edges.
>> AI: Seth to put onto draft agenda for 17 Nov (briefly) and Cartagena (at length) a discussion of (a) giving each ALS its own Confluence page and (b) WT B members talking to their RALOs about the idea.
Cheryl: Furthermore, we’d need a short simplified presentation – just a few slides – of how to operate the Confluence pages for the ALSes. We should support this as part of the recommendation to get each ALS a Confluence page.
Annalisa: Perhaps we can discuss with the ALSes in the next Showcase. In the past, the ALSes have enjoyed telling us a bit about themselves at these.
>> AI: Seth to put onto draft agenda for 17 Nov (briefly) and Cartagena (at length) a discussion of (a) giving each ALS its own Confluence page and (b) WT B members talking to their RALOs about the idea.
Cheryl: In identifying other recommendation tasks as “quick wins,” we can turn to task 3.1, which the data analysis of the ALS Survery fits well into. Dev, how is that going?
Cheryl: Next is Rec. 7 – collaborative tools. We’ve already discussed this (above) in terms of using Confluence to set up individual ALS wiki pages. This should be added to the Simplified Outline as a reportable task – perhaps under 7.2 (new technologies).
>> AI: Seth to put on draft agenda for 17 Nov a discussion of the preparation for WT B’s reporting in Cartagena and to include the use of ALS Survey (results, tools, liaisons, etc.) under completing 3.1.
(including “quick wins”) in Cartagena.
- For assistance, see related discussion in WT B’s 3 November Minutes, agenda item #6 – esp. regarding tasks 3.1, 4, 7.2, and 9.
- For list of all WT B’s current recommendation tasks, see WT B Simplified Improvements Outline.
7. Planning for WT B’s short report during ALAC & Regional Wrap-Up in Cartagena – 10 min.
>> AI: WT B members to review the tasks under Recs. 3, 4, 7, and 9 ( focusing on Recs. 9 and 4) before next meeting (17 November) and to come to meeting with ideas of tasks to use as “quick wins, as well as those to edit, delete, and add.
- For assistance, see related discussion in WT B’s 3 November Minutes, agenda item #6
- .
- For list of all WT B’s current recommendation tasks, see WT B Simplified Improvements Outline.
>> AI: Seth to e-mail WT B members the many AIs from the meeting today (3 Nov).