PROPOSED MODIFICATION: | 1. Include unaffiliated members and review the term limits for Board members.There are two options:
OPTION A: Formally create a new membership category for unaffiliated members
This is the model NARALO has adopted. Unaffiliated individuals are formally recognized in the regional Bylaws as a subset of the regional membership and have separate rules applying to them. The downside of the this model is that is requires a modification of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between ICANN and EURALO. Unlike the NARALO MOU, the EURALO MOU does not currently have provisions on individual membership.
OPTION B: Create a new ALS within the current structure that serves as the home to unaffiliated members According to this model, a new European ALS would be formed to "collect" unaffiliated individuals from the region. This ALS would be part of the existing EURALO structure and would need to fulfill the minimum ALS requirements. Once this ALS is an integral part of the EURALO structure, it would have the same rights and responsibilities as any other regional ALS. To ensure that the representative of the individual members accurately reflect the view held among the ALS membership, it is important that the instruments and mechanisms of this individual-member-ALS are well designed and solid enough to prevent capture. If additional safeguards are deemed necessary, EURALO could either: - add a rule to the EURALO Bylaws to the effect that all At-Large Structures (or “members”) need to adopt a verifiable process to ensure that votes cast via their elected representatives reflect the views held among their membership - explore whether it is possible under the current MoU with ICANN to create a special status for the individual-member-ALS in the EURALO bylaws. According to this status, the internal processes of that ALS would need to follow certain procedures set by EURALO/At-Large. 2. Review the EURALO officer terms. There are three options: A. No term limits for Board member and Board officers. B. No term limits for Board members, a limit of 3 consecutive terms for the Board officers C. Term limits of 2 consecutive terms for both regular Board members and officers (status quo)
3. Align the EURALO Board elections with the ALAC representative elections |