Transcript: Improvements Work Team B 20.10.10 Transcript
1. Roll call - 5 min
2. Review of AIs from 20 Sep 2010 meeting - 10 min
Seth to inform Fouad of nomination as co-chair of WT B and to request answer. Status: Done; Fouad accepted position by e-mail following the meeting.
Staff to send out new Doodle to determine regular call day/time of WT B meetings. Status: Done; regular time for WT B calls set as every other Wednesday at 13:00 UTC.
- This puts WT meetings on the following dates: Oct 20, Nov 3, Nov 17, Dec 1, Dec 15, Dec 29, and so on.
- The only call times during which both WT B’s co-chairs (Fouad and Annalisa) could be present were Tuesdays at 13:00 UTC and Wednesdays at 13:00 UTC.
- Apologies to WT members who regularly can not make the new meeting time. They are invited (a) to remain on WT B by working with us online and keeping up with the meeting minutes or (b) to switch to another Improvements WT that better fits their schedules. (In other WTs, some members are participating by reading the minutes and working online.)
Seth to create a version of Simplified At-Large Improvements Outline that (a) only includes recommendations assigned to WT B (Recs 3, 4, 7, and 9) or (b) has those tabs arranged next to each other, for convenience. Status: Done; a version of Outline containing only WT B’s recommendations is now available.
- It can be reached either (a) from the WT B new Confluence workspace or (b) directly at XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.
- All members of WT B should have editing rights; please notify Seth if you do not.
Matthias to set up a wiki page (to be linked to from WT B workspace) on which all RALOs’ bylaws and bylaw changes under consideration are compared. Status: Done, contingent on agenda (discussion) item below.
Matthias to suggest to all RALOs that they discuss whether they would like to coordinate their outreach/inreach work regarding ALSes with that of Improvements WT B. Status: Four of five RALOs have discussed it; see agenda (discussion) item on below.
3. Wiki page by Matthias on which all RALOs’ bylaws and bylaw changes under consideration are compared – Matthias, 10 min.
- See “RALO bylaws: Proposed revisions” (a) on WT B new Confluence workspace or (b) directly at XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.
4. Response of RALOs regarding WT B’s invitation to coordinate outreach/inreach to ALSes – Matthias, 10 min.
5. WT B meetings in Cartagena – Co-Chairs, 10 min.
- Meeting forms due on 3 Nov
- Progress report by each Improvements WT to be presented at end of ALAC and Regional Wrap-Up Session. (Session extended by 30 min., giving each WT about 7 min.)
- Would WT C also like its own (60-min.) meeting in Cartagena? If so, should it be a formal (staff support, remote participation, etc.) or informal (in a side room, during a meal, etc.) meeting? Formal meeting is certainly possible but more difficult to plan, given the schedule.
6. Confirmation of next meeting: Wed, 3 Nov, 13:00 UTC – 5 min
7. Any other business - 5 min