Background Paper: Geo Names Webinar Background Paper.pdf
15:00 UTC Session Schedule Agenda and Presenter Materials
Presenter | Presenter Materials | 15:00-15:10||
Co-Chair Intro | Co-Chair Intro.pdf | 15:11-15:19||
Heather Forrest | Heather Forrest Legal Framework Paper.pdf, Heather Forrest Presentation.pdf | ||
15:20-15:28 | Jorge Cancio (GAC) | GAC WG Protection Geo Names Presentation.pdf | |
15:29-15:37 | Alexander Schubert | Alexander Schubert Presentation.pdf | |
15:38-15:46 | Flip Petillion (MARQUES) | Marques Presentation.pdf | |
15:47-15:55 | Sebastien Ducos (GeoTLD Group) | geoTLD Group Presentation.pdf | |
15:56-16:04 | Martin Sutton (Brand Registry Group) | BRG Presentation.pdf | |
16:05-16:13 | Peter van Roste (CENTR) | CENTR Presentation.pdf | 16:14-16:22|
Thomas Lowenhaupt | Thomas Lowenhaupt Presentation.pdf | ||
16:23-16:31 | Johanne Asselin (INTA / IPC) | INTA - IPC Presentation.pdf | 16:32-16:40|
Paul McGrady | Paul McGrady Presentation.pdf | 16:40-17:00||
Q&A |
22:00 UTC Session ScheduleAgenda and Presenter Materials
Presenter | 22:00-22:10 | ||
Co-Chair Intro | Co-Chair Intro.pdf | ||
22:11-22:19 | Martin Sutton (Brand Registry Group) | BRG Presentation.pdf | |
22:20-22:28 | Alexander Schubert | Alexander Schubert Presentation.pdf | |
22:29-22:37 | Sebastien Ducos (GeoTLD Group) | geoTLD Group Presentation.pdf | |
22:38-22:46 | Heather Forrest | Heather Forrest Legal Framework Paper.pdf, Heather Forrest Presentation.pdf | |
22:47-22:55 | Thomas Lowenhaupt | Thomas Lowenhaupt Presentation.pdf | |
22:56-23:04 | John McElwaine (INTA / IPC) | INTA - IPC Presentation.pdf | 23:05-23:13|
Olga Cavalli (GAC) | GAC WG Protection Geo Names Presentation.pdf | ||
23:14-23:22 | Paul McGrady | Paul McGrady Presentation.pdf | 23:23-0:00|
Q&A |