Email Archive: TBD
What This Team Will Do: The WG agreed that there should be an ongoing process that is clearly defined and provides clear guidance on how and when applications will be accepted in the future, however, it has yet to establish specific details to promote these features. The WG has agreed that a drafting team should document the issue, identify requirements, and propose a solution or solutions for consideration by the full WG. The WG has already considered several options detailed below, but the drafting team would not be limited to just these ideas:
Documentation of deliberations to date can be found here:
How This Team Will Work: This drafting team may employ a variety of mechanisms to address its work. It is anticipated that the drafting team will complete its work primarily over email, collaborating via Google Docs, and occasional meetings. Meetings will be recorded, the email list archived, and the group will utilize public workspaces (i.e., Google Docs, Wiki).
How to Participate: Simply add your name to the sign-up document here ( The only requirement to participate is that you are a member of the WG. If you have any issues accessing the Google Doc, you can send an email to staff instead and we can add your name on your behalf.