Ben Fuller, Katrina Sataki, Lesley Cowley, Alejandra Reynoso, David McAuley, Margarita Valdes, Dejan Djukic, Mirjana Tasic
Staff: Bart Boswinkel, Kim Carlson
- Status Quo: Action items (
- Next steps
- GRC Update in Marrakech
- Next call
Chat Transcript:
Ben Fuller:Hi Bart can you hear me?
Ben Fuller:HI Bart, can you hear me?
Alejandra Reynoso:Good morning
Katrina Sataki:Hello! :)
Kimberly Carlson:Hello Everyone
Bart Boswinkel:Hi Ben , all
Bart Boswinkel:@ Ben I could not hear you
Ben Fuller:OK Working on it
Margar:heheh :-)
David McAuley:We will know from now on Margar
David McAuley:I see the 21 Dec version
David McAuley:Once clicked on Council Meeting under "Notes"
David McAuley:On small minority I just could not remember if we already addressed
David McAuley:good point Bart
David McAuley:And that is a good point Lesley, I had not considered that
David McAuley:very good, I am ok with not defining
David McAuley:Is that on wiki Bart, not seeing it right now
David McAuley:ok
Dejan Djukic:I have one comment for ccNSO Statement. Term in article 5.4 is maybe too short.
David McAuley:I will join nom com team
Dejan Djukic:I can join too.
Margar:triage meeting is done right?
David McAuley:i would be happy to work on board also
Lesley Cowley:I will not be there, but can join remotely
David McAuley:ok with me - I like to avoid times when CCWG Accountability meeting
Margar:it´s ok for me
David McAuley:no Katrina - actually I need to be at CCWG
David McAuley:thanks
David McAuley:I am a glutton for punishment
Kimberly Carlson:yes, will do
Kimberly Carlson:and Lesley, will get you the RP information as soon as I have it confirmed
Lesley Cowley:Thanks Kim
David McAuley:None here
Kimberly Carlson:Next GRC 1 Feb
Lesley Cowley:Thanks Katrina, cheers everyone
David McAuley:Thanks Katrina, Bart, Kim and all
David McAuley:Good bye all
Kimberly Carlson:Thanks all, bye
Alejandra Reynoso:Have a great day
Mirjana Tasic .rs:Bye
Bart Boswinkel:Bye all
Dejan Djukic:Bye